At Home Workouts: DVDs & Podcasts


This post may contain affiliate links.

TGIF!  It hit 82F here on Wednesday, the mid 70s on Thursday, and Friday and the weekend are supposed to be great.

orange flowers and leaves

I recently received this combo set of 3 DVDs that Yoga Jornal sent me.

Great instructors yoga journal - vinyasa yoga dvdBaron Baptiste, Seane Corn, and Shiva Rea.  Three pillars and all such strong, prominent forces in the yoga community.

I enjoyed the DVDs and each teacher has unique teaching style and so it was interesting to go from Baron Baptiste’s more intense, power-based practice to Seane Corn who incorporates a more spiritual aspect of yoga into her teaching style to Shiva Rea’s free flowing, somatic movement filled dvd.  All the dvd’s were different, and all were enjoyable!

Great Instructors yoga journal: Baron Baptiste, Foundations of power vinyasa yoga. Seane Corn, yoga from the heat. Shiva Rea, free flow vinyasa. 3 dvd setI have a comprehensive post on Yoga FAQ’s where I touch on everything from other yoga DVD recommendations, to music, yoga clothing, how to score free yoga classes in your area, and much more.

I’ve been a certified yoga teacher for a decade now (although I am not currently teaching as I explained) but I like to share my yoga info, expertise, tips, and tricks that I’ve picked up along the way in my twelve year personal practice in the hopes of answering some of your Yoga FAQs.

In that post I can also be seen wearing some pink Be Present pants.

And I routinely live in my other Be Present pants.  Like when I met up with Marla

Or met up with Amber

Or just about any day of the week, for part of the day, I always have a pair on.

So I was thrilled when Be Present sent me a pair of their new Kona Pants!

Grey Kona pantsDrawstring, lightweight, pockets, cropped at the knee…perfect! I will wear these out, no doubt.

I love Be Present!  I have been a fan of theirs for years, long before this pair of pants.  They are truly, my #1 go-to for pants not just for yoga, but for day-to-day life.  I don’t want jeans.  I want my Be Present pants.

be present pant tags

From my last post, it was fun to hear what you’ve been plugging along with this week and also great feet talk.  Yes, I am a bigfoot. I could talk shoes and feet all day.  And so could you based on the fun comments. And thanks to all my big-footed readers for delurking and commenting!


1. Do you use any DVDs for your workouts?

About a year or so ago, it seemed that P90x, Insanity, and Turbofire were all over the blogosphere on healthy living and food blogs.  Since then, I haven’t seen those mentioned as much but everyone now talks about

I have not used any of those.


Probably for the same reason that I don’t use cookbooks much.  I am a wing-it type person with my food and workouts.  I like to tweak and create things according to what I am feeling or craving, in that moment.

Whether it’s in the kitchen or with workouts, I don’t like things to be overly scripted.  Although cookbooks or DVDs can help to inspire me, I don’t really use or follow them much and when I do, it definitely not verbatim.

I found myself craving just doing what my body wanted to rather than following the dvd’s at some points, but that’s because I am just that way and also coming at the dvd’s from the perspective of a teacher, I am know “what to do”, how to sequence poses, classes, and what things I would have follow other things whereas the average person needs more guidance and much more of a scripted dvd and class to follow.

2. What is your take on podcasts, DVDs, online videos, youtube videos, and at-home workouts that you don’t attend an actual class?  Yay or nay?

Here are a few of my pros & cons about working out at home with online downloads or dvds.


Workout at your own pace

Workout at a time convenient for you

Fits into your schedule when you have the time

No drive time, parking time, shuffling in and out of gyms, locker rooms, studios, etc.

No one cares if you’re wearing dirty workout clothes with stains on them

You can quit if you’re not into the workout/video without any stigma

You can tweak the workout based on what you want that day


No one there to inspire you.  Looking around a class and seeing others who are in great shape can inspire me.

No one there to correct bad form or “errors” in form that could lead to injury.  This is my biggest caution for newbies and yoga dvds.  You really ought to go to classes for awhile before you start practicing at home exclusively because you could be practicing bad form which is a recipe for injury. Learn the ropes from a qualified teacher before you do everything at home.  Most people don’t practice or workout exclusively alone at home either, anyway.

Boredom/no group or class energy

At times, a little bit too easy to quit the workout and stay motivated when you’re by yourself

Hard to get motivated to start the workout if there’s no class you’re attending.  Knowing you don’t have to “rush” to the gym or studio to make that 6pm class may make it easier to just blow off the at-home workout all together.

What do you think about at-home workouts and DVDs/podcasts?  Found anything you love or that’s been working out great for you?  Anything you’ve tried that you weren’t into at all?

3. Workout apparel that you’re loving?  Or any gym/yoga studio clothes that double as your real life clothes?

I am the queen of my drawstring pants, Target sports bras, and pull on yoga pants doubling as my daytime wardrobe.  There are worse things, right? Function and comfort is why I do it!   And so do many other women if looking around my area is any indication.

Don’t forget to enter my Coconut Oil Give Away.  Winner announced tomorrow (Saturday)!

P.S. Related Posts that may be of interest:
Fitness Experiments – What I’ve Tried, What’s Worked, What Next
Daily Workouts Streamlined – 20 Minutes at Home
I Quit The Gym
Abs: How to Get Them & Tough Love
Morning Workout Tips

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.


  1. -i love dvd’s, cathe friedrich, jari love, jillian, lalo – they ‘ve really worked for me for the past few years to get the baby weight off. but one thing i’ve noticed – i recently tried some yoga classes for the first time in years – just b/c you can whip through a dvd doesn’t mean you’ll always stay fit – the body has gotta be challenged, you have to mix it up & try different things. it’s really easy to get used to the same old routine, no matter how hard it was when you started.
    -on another note – i made that chocolate coconut butter -my god!!!!!!! it’s incredible, i had to add some water to get it going in my blender, but it whipped up like pudding! & it tastes better than nutella. thanks for the awesome recipe & your positive energy!

    1. “it whipped up like pudding! & it tastes better than nutella. thanks for the awesome recipe & your positive energy!”-
      Good! and thanks for the great compliments :)

  2. I have workout videos on my computer, but I don’t always use them. Sometimes they are fun to shake things up, like Insanity. But I’m horrific at keeping up with dance videos. And Jillian Michael’s 30 Day Shred is still my go-to when I just need to get in a quick-and-dirty workout when I’m at my mom’s house or something.

  3. Sorry to ask this in your comments but I’ve been wondering for some time about what you think of food processors vs. Vitamix blenders. I love my Vitamix but am wondering if getting a food processor is a good idea for making dessert balls, hummus, banana soft serve and nut butters. I thought you might would know about this! Thanks!

    1. I dont even own a food proc. I ONLY have my Vita. There are times I think about getting one but then I think, well, it’s another big appliance to store and why bother if I am getting decent results with the Vita. So I have held off on a food proc. I make everything you see here with my Vita.

  4. Hi Averie!

    I’m super-duper-envious of the weather in SD! It’s supposed to be sunny and +16C here on Saturday, which is making me jump for joy! Finally, sunshine and warmth!

    I’m a big fan of a few brands for workout clothes:

    – nike t-shirts and tanks
    – freya sports bra
    – champion socks
    – nike running shorts
    – lululemon pants and shorts
    – roots yoga pants

    i pretty much live in yoga pants on weekends and when i get home from work!



  5. I use DVD ever once in awhile. I think the biggest issue I have with using them is that I get easily distracted at home so it’s hard for me to focus on doing a really good workout.

  6. I have a bunch of DVDs, but I live in the top floor of an apartment building, so no working out at home for me. It shakes too much and I’m sure my downstairs neighbors don’t appreciate me jumping up and down on their heads! The other main con, is that I agree, it’s too easy to just completely give up and not do the full workout. In a kickboxing class I have stayed for the full hour even if I didn’t really feel like it because of the energy and I’d feel weird just walking out. But at home I can do 10 minutes and think, “eh that’s good enough, besides that book is really interesting, I think I’ll sit down and get back into that.”

    The main reason I haven’t done any classes in years though, is that my gym doesn’t offer them at convenient times! They have them super early for the people who need to work out before work. And they have them super late for people who do it after they get home from work. Well I work out either at 11ish or 3ish depending on the day. Never any classes!

  7. yep i use insanity for my workouts! and i also love jackie warner’s dvds. i wonder if i will be able to make it to the gym once insanity is over.. it’s so nice to roll out of bed and workout in my living room.

    p.s. i always like your posts that post other blogger recipes! it’s funny that in your comments to me you always tell me what you posted about.. i knowwwww ;)

  8. Hello – Happy Friday!

    Nearly four years ago I started practicing yoga (at home) because of a show called “Yoga for Life” on the Veria channel. Since then I have tried all different types of DVD’s, podcasts and even went to a wonderful yoga place where I used to live. I ended up moving and had to change yoga studios and was very unhappy. So back to practicing at home. I really miss the energy of the classes. However, in February I discovered that the yoga teacher who lead the Veria show came out with a 60 day fitness program called APY60 and it is perfect for my situation right now.

    The instructor, Kurt Johnsen, is probably my favorite instructor out of everyone I have ever taken classes from, including DVDs, podcasts and in person. His voice is soothing and you never have to look at the TV. A small goal I have is to one day take a class of his, in person. I was tickled to see this post because I really wanted to share this experience. It has changed my life and I hope to continue on the same journey.

  9. Workouts at home def have alot of pros! It is nice for me having a young baby to do a quick video while she is napping, but I also sometimes feel like I don’t get that good of a workout..but it also depends on the video :)

  10. I do bodyrock workouts. I love them. Before I started doing them I really didn’t know how to workout and how to workout effectively and efficiently like she does. It was really pathetic, but I never really knew how to workout because I felt like I never needed to. I got exercise by being out and walking and running around and having fun but now that I have kids it’s slowed me down a lot, I can’t go do what I want to do when I want to so I needed something extra. Now that I know a little but I like to mix and match the bodyrock workouts to whatever I feel like that day.
    I will always have a special place in my heart for cheap stretchy yoga pants. I never bought maternity clothes, I just wore those and some long shirts, haha. I’m a jeans and regular bra kind of girl though, I usually don’t wear sports bras and yoga pants around unless I’m working out, probably because I’ve never found any really decent ones. I keep saying it, but there really is NO shopping around here, haha.

  11. you know, i’m not really a DVD kind of gal, i’m not really into classes so much either. i’m more of an independent worker outer ;) it’s just easier for me. i live in workout clothes. yoga pants, tanks, loose fitting comfortable tees, all that. BTW ~ your weather is GORGEOUS! i always love seeing the beautiful flowers that you post ;)

  12. I use workout DVD’s when the weather’s bad, but that’s about it. I’d much rather go out for a walk or a hike. Sometimes I do yoga journal podcasts because I tend to go too fast and fizzle out early when I practice on my own. Not always, but sometimes. I haven’t been practicing at all this month, so I should get on that. I generally don’t like workout DVD’s because they feel too “workouty” to me. It’s doesn’t feel like natural, joyful movement and I don’t get the same life that I do moving outside. A bellydance vid every once in awhile is always fun though!
    Those look like my kind of pants. I’m all about comfort and stuff that’s easy to match. I wish I had the time and money to be a little more put together looking, but I just don’t care enough to move beyond my uniform of tee shirts and shorts or jeans.

  13. I love dvds and I also do a lot of workout videos on youtube and yes I live in workout clothes, why not ? :)

  14. I LOVE workout DVD’s. It helps me keep track of how much and what I am doing every day. It also keeps me more motivated than if I were just winging it. Also, I am not that experienced in work out routines, so this helps me keep good form and such. I use them every day!

  15. ohh I do yoga pants, I wish I could get some more!

    I like going to yoga classes but I most enjoy doing it on my down using david swenson’s ashatanga book as my guide :)