Bon Voyage, Airline Travel Snags, Unplugging in December


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Hi Friends!  Life has been crazy.  We were supposed to depart late Friday night on a red-eye for our trip to Aruba but our flight was canceled at the 11th hour.  I spent my day Friday re-booking our flight, but turns out we ended up having to leave five hours earlier than expected so my entire day Friday was a scramble fest.  And I do mean scramblefest. 

It was either that or not get there for a day after we were supposed to which would have thrown off car rental reservations and a host of other issues including arriving on a Sunday and grocery stores aren’t open on Sundays there and after 24 hours of travel and airports, a shower and a grocery store are key. 

I am actually blogging from the Salt Lake City Airport and the wifi connection sucks.  Super slow and I can’t upload pictures it’s so slow.  Janetha, if I had more time we could grab a drink together.  Not coffee, a real drink, after my day today! 

We have an extra connection now and are flying SAN-SLC-JFK-AUA.   Rather than SAN-ATL-AUA.  So suffice to say, travel is always a hairy experience.  Reminds me of when we were moving from Phoenix to San Diego and the morning of our move, with our house in boxes and ready to leave, the  moving truck broke down on the side of the road and I had to call another moving company at the 11th hour.  But….

….The next time I post will be from here!  And all the scrambling will be worth it!

White sandy beach in Aruba

See This Post for More

Hopefully with one of these in my hands soon!

Woman sitting at outdoor bar holding a drink


Pina Colada in clear plastic cup


Close up of Pina Colada topped with cherry and pineapple slice
I hope to do lots of sitting and lounging
Woman in bikini on beach lounger
And Sandcastle Building
Young girl on beach building a sand castle
Young girl sitting on beach smiling
She has grown up so much in one year!
In other matters, I am not sure what the month holds for me in terms of a blogging schedule.   I will post, but they will be picture heavy and not too many words.  I figure you guys want to see more of what I am doing than hear me ramble about it anyway.

I probably won’t be replying to many or as many of my comments, my normal banter and chatter that I normally do and enjoy doing in my comment field.  Nor will I be replying to emails unless it’s something super fast and easy.

I will enjoy being with my family, on the beach, making memories, more than I will enjoy responding to blog comments, answering reader questions, or commenting on more than a handful of blogs each day.  

Please understand, friends and other bloggers, I really need this vacation and plan to really scale back my commenting on other blogsAs most of us likely will be doing over the holidays, anyway.

So, I will post and tease you with great pictures, but other than that, who knows how the month will unfold.  I will be on a much needed vacation!!! 

Glad that my last post about my New Playlist was a hit.  Get it, hit. haha.  And it was fun to hear about your fave tracks, playlists

Thanks for the tips on how to do screenshots easily.  Learn something new all the time!  So many of you knew about screenshot shortcuts on Macs.  Any other shortcut tips for me that you love?

Dessert: Vegan Bananas Foster 
Break out the rum, baby!

Bottles Myers's Rum and Banana Schnapps
Vegan Bananas Foster in pan
Close up of Vegan Bananas Foster in clear container


and pair it up over Vegan Banana Vanilla Softserve

1. Have you ever taken a technology break?   
As I said, I am still posting, but just not as long or intense of posts.  I also have a few give aways coming up this month (nice ones, i.e. chocolate, $50, $25 credits to places, so stay tuned!).  I look forward to reading more, too!

2. Have you ever had any airline or travel drama stories?
I did a whole post on my top 20 Travel Tips, too.  If you missed it, check it out.  I have had my share of snags, but also travel joys.

3. Any MAC shortcuts you want to tell me about?

4. What are you doing for the weekend?
I will be in travel hell for another 18 hours between traveling, rental car, grocery run, unpacking, making sure my house is in order, and by Sunday morning will have slept and will be ready to start relaxing!

See you soon, everyone!  I can’t wait to replace my 20 minute at-home workouts with beach walks!

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