Candy Sharing


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TGIF and Happy Halloween Weekend!

Pumpkin on knitted floor

I have no big plans for Halloween other than hopefully playing with this.

Canon ultrasonic ef 85mm camera and lens hood

I had been debating about a new lens for months and decided to order it and it arrived today.  Normally I shoot with this camera and this lens  <– That lens has not left my camera body for the entire duration I have owned it.  Not kidding.

But I wanted a lens with a little more reach and also to have some diversity in my camera bag, i.e. zoom vs. prime lenses, and had been debating about the 85mm for months and decided to go for it.  I know this is not exciting for some people but for me, it is.  What can I say I have become more interested in lenses than loud Halloween parties.

Camera lens and canon box in the background

I can’t wait to take my new friend out for a test drive this weekend.

85mm canon camera lens

We’ll also be taking Skylar out to the park this weekend.

Tree in the park, green grass around

And of course we have Halloween and trick-or-treating on Monday.

I wonder what kind of candy she’ll score?

I hope it’s good stuff so I can raid her pumpkin so that perhaps I can sample some of it.   I hope she’ll share.

Kit Kat Crisp wafers package with Halloween, White, and Milk chocolate candies

Sometimes I just want one piece of something.  Don’t need a 50-count bag of the same thing.  That’s where Princess Halloween pails come in handy.  You know know what you’ll find in them.

And if she doesn’t want to share, that’s okay because I have homemade Butterfinger Bars

Butterfinger bars with candy corn and chocolate top layer

And now I’m off to bake up a batch of Pumpkin Peanut Butter Oatmeal Bars (Vegan, GF) and widdle my way through the 17 cans of pumpkin puree I may have stashed

Pumpkin Peanut Butter Oatmeal Bars on paper

The winner of the Asian Foods Giveaway is:

Katie October 26, 2011 at 4:03 am

“I love THOSE seaweed snacks!

I eat them just out of the bag or crumble them on a salad!”

Congrats, Katie!


1. Weekend plans?  Are you going to be wearing a costume or going to any parties?   Any shenanigans that you foresee getting into?

Nothing too exciting on my end. 

2. Did you share your Halloween Candy (or Easter Candy, Holiday Candy, etc.) with your parents?  Did you have elaborate trading systems with your siblings or friends?

I wouldn’t really call it sharing.  I’d call it donating the candy to my dad that I wasn’t going to eat anyway.

And yes, my sister and I and my friends and I had elaborate candy trading systems.

“I’ll trade you two packets of Sweet Tarts, 3 black and orange-wrappered stale peanut butter toffee things, and a random green apple Jolly Rancher for two Reese’s Peanut Butter cups.  Sound fair?”

P.S. Thanks for the Sunglasses Giveaway entries.  Looks like lots of you want some shades.

And if you have one spare second, could you please Vote for Me in the Delta/Biscoff Bake-Off.  Thank you!  I really appreciate it.

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  1. That was always my favorite part about Halloween – the huge variety of candies. Where else can you get just a few of each thing instead of a huge bag? Although I wish I could say I shared or made trades, my brother and I pretty much stuck to our own stash. Except if we had candies that we hated, then it was no YOU eat it.

  2. Your butterfinger bars look AMAZING! How did I miss those?

    Im so excited I won the giveaway! Thanks again for hosting it!

    Happy Halloween weekend!

    p.s. you make me have lens envy! haha! xoxo

  3. So true on the weekend, so glad it’s here! No big plans here and it’s great considering next weekend will be super busy and fun. Interesting on the lenses, I swap between my 3 a bit, but always stil with the macro from food and close-up shots.

    1. Maybe a little shopping, dog training, running, and house cleaning.
    2. Yes and I was always trading with my sisters and friends. I tried not to eat a lot of it on Halloween night so I could take it all to school and show it off, probably better than actually eating it. :-)

    1. I almost went with the 100mm macro L glass but decided to get the 85. Not L glass, but half the price. Part of me wants to get the 50mm 1.2 just b/c it would be Tack.Sharp.Clarity for food….hmmmm…I can dream.

  4. ohhhh so excited to hear all about the lens!!! Awesome pick, I think prime lenses are great especially for food photography because you don’t really need to be zooming and they are usually much sharper. And the super wide aperture will be awesome. Yay!

    1. 100% agreed on the sharpness.

      I now think I need the 50mm in a wider aperture. The 1.8 is not tack sharp to me. I want a 1.2 :)

      Not that I would shoot with it wide open like that, but just the overall “build” and quality of the lens. Yeah, I think I want it. I can dream!

  5. Halloween was the best when I was younger because we always got to go back to my best friend’s house and count, sort, and trade our candy. Even on weeknights!