Easy Coconut Milk Kefir, Nooch Sauce, Weekend Roundup


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Good Morning Hotties, how’s your Monday morning?  Did anyone do anything groovy over the weekend? Or better yet, did you all DVR Khloe and Kourtney?   Don’t tell me anything, I haven’t watched it yet.  And it’s cheap thrills peeps cuz I only watch two shows…the Real House Wives and K & K.  I DVR ’em and watch like 20 minutes at a time while my pumpkin naps in between fueling my bloggaddiction.  That’s all I seem to be able to fit in, but that’s cool.

Anyway, onto some weekend creations that I haven’t had a chance to mention in the more frequent posts I’ve been hookin’ ya up with based on this decision.

Remember yesterday’s vegan blondie coconut macaroons?  Thanks everyone for showin’ the love on the recipe and commenting.  If you missed it, I was kinda toying with the idea of running a contest to win a few of those yummy treats.  If I decide to do it, I’ll keep ya in the loop, so stand by….

Close up of Vegan Blondie Macaroon on dehydrator tray

Well after the macaroons, the coconut craze continued round here.  I made some homemade coconut milk kefir.  I have posted about this before, but basically homemade countertop coconut milk kefir is 3 ingredients and uber cheap-n-easy.  

Dump coconut water, coconut milk, & kefir starter in a glass or plastic container.  Stir & let sit for 18-24 hours loosely covered at room temp.  Don’t let the contents come in contact with a metal container or metal stirring utensil becuz metal and the happy bacteria don’t really get along.  Kinda like Kim & Sheree.

Keifir Starter and Coconut water containers mixed together in large glass jar

After 18 hours, the happy bacteria had been to work.  And you did nothing.  Just the way you likey it.

Kefir left to sit on counter for 18 hours showing separation of liquid

Stir ‘er up and slurp ‘er down.  If you and a friend each have a glass or two, the batch is history.  If you’re a pokey drinker, you can easily get 4 days in the fridge before I’d begin to wonder.  It won’t last that long though, no way. 

Spoon stirring kefir in glass jar
Overhead of kefir in glass jar

Onto some Banana Pumpkin Pie Oats
1/3 c dry oats cooked with 1 mashed nanna, 2/3 c lowfat vanilla almond milk.  Stir in some in some of TJ’s handy dandy Pumpkin Pie Spice as well as some Brown Shug, garnish with raisins if you like.

Banana Pumpkin Pie Oats in bowl with hand holding Pumpkin Pie Spice
Banana Pumpkin Pie Oats topped with golden raisins

And garnish with ‘Whippy if you like that, too.

Banana Pumpkin Pie Oats topped with whipped cream

Another brekkie was fresh pineapple, pears, and grapes that I froze cuz I dig it that way.  Go figure.  I should prolly just buy frozen and save some moola but whatev.  All on toppa a brekkie cookie.

Clear container with breakfast cookie, grapes and diced pineapple

Dinner one night was the leftover roasted sweetie pots & carrots with a salad garnished with the tail end of the kale chipsWho said leftovers can’t be delish?

Roasted Sweet Potatoes and Carrots with side salad on plate

Another meal was Aspar-Grass, B.S., red & yellow pepps, carrots & dressed with OJ, Agave, & Cracky Blacky.

Mixed vegetables drizzled with dressing

Then, I decided to make up some Red Pepper & Nooch Dippin’ Sauce.  Into the VitaNoocher went most of 1 Red Pepper, 1/3 c water, and 5 Tbsp Nooch.  That’s nutritional yeast for anyone who hasn’t had the pleasure yet.

Ingredients needed to make Red Pepper and Nooch Dipping Sauce in blender

The result.

Red Pepper and Nooch Dipping Sauce in white round bowl

Things I would change?  Not add 5 Tbsp of nooch, 3 generous Tbsp would have done the trick.  Can you say cheeeee-sey?  The sauce sorta reminds me of the healthy equivalent to the cheesey coating on Cheetos, and really, who doesn’t love the memories of lickin’ that stuff off your fingers?  So yeah, no real worries on the 5 Tbsp of nooch come to think of it.

And this doesn’t happen often that I say this, but the Vita-Mix was not ideal for the job.  In order to liquify the pepper and blend it with the nooch, I had to add more water than I would have wished so the Vita could “grab” the scant amount of food at the bottom of the canister.  The resulting sauce was runnier than I would have preferred.  Of course EVOO coulda helped with that prob, or just using a basic food processor probably woulda been ideal.  But no biggie.

The nooch sauce, in all it’s cheesyass goodness, worked perf as a dipper for my veggies.  This pic was taken before I drown the veggies in nooch.  We’re talkin’ a bath.  It wasn’t that photogenic, trust me.  I’ll pretty it up and getcha another nooch pic tomorrow.

Mixed vegetables with greens in shallow bowl

Also was talking to the Beautifully Sweet VeggieGirl and we were comparin’ TJ’s lists.  We both agreed that their seasonal selection of pumpkin butter, pumpkin & sweetie pot purees, and butternut squash soup puree action are all speck-tack.  Here’s a smattering of a few of the things I picked up over the weekend.

Note, the coconut water is from WF but the light coconut milk (used in the above kefir) is a TJ’s find.  99 cents kids.   It’s also good in coffee if you partake in that addiction.  Coffee, ice cubes, coconut milk, stevia or agave, blend.  Very yum.

Various groceries on countertop from Trader Joe's

Finally, some yoga.  Astavakrasana.    Or here’s another link for Eight Angle Pose (cuz you’re makin’ 8 angles with your bod).  To begin, you need to sit down and hook your right leg at the upper thigh behind your right shoulder.  The rest is easy.  You just lift off, swing your left leg to the front and join up with the right, hook ankles, and tilt yourself perpendicular to the gravitational pull known as the floor.  Probably not a beginner’s pose, but give ‘er a whirl.  Don’t forget to smile and breathe.  And in all honesty, don’t compare.   

Woman doing yoga pose

That’s my Tip of the Day:  Don’t compare.  Comparing your finds at TJ’s is one thing, but don’t compare your yoga, your weight, your size of house, your ring or lack thereof, how many friends you have, how many blog hits you get or don’t, how raw you are or aren’t, or any of the other silly stuff that we women just love to torture ourselves with by comparing with our neighbors.  Love thy neighbor and thy self, but don’t compare with your neighbor. 

I want to thank you all for reading, commenting, or just lurking & soaking it all in, and for being your generally awesome selves!  I did have an anonymous comment come in on a previous post that didn’t sit well with me so I deleted it.  What do you all do if you get a comment that doesn’t sit well with you?  Do you delete it?  Allow it?  Since I don’t have the time or desire to moderate comments, I suppose an oddball comment here or there is to be expected, but removed nonetheless.  I took this one down because it was just not quite the vibe I wanted happenin’ round here and this is my blog = my rules = only comments I want up will stay up.  Just wondering what you do with the negative or weird comments.  Sorta like dirty socks?  Remove immediately!  Or do tell…

On more fun matters…Don’t forget to vote for the Blogger Awards Step 6. there is a tiny little link, click thereYou don’t have to be a blogger to vote, you can be just a reader, it takes 5-10 minutes, you don’t have to vote in all categories,  but you really should go Rock the Vote!!! Successful bloggers put their heart, soul, time & energy into their bloggies.  Go show your favorites some lovin’.  Okay?

See you later today I think but this post was really long and I broke my own new rule against long posts but I had alot to say (as I rationalize it) so maybe I’ll see ya and maybe I won’t.  If not, Happy Monday!  I am off for a glorious quick run and some quick yoga

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.


  1. Yum and a half! I just had to share my success story with this recipe. I made it tonight exactly to your recipe but I divided the crust and topping into paper baking cups set in a muffin pan–voila, instant cheesecake bites! I also whipped up a sauce of frozen strawberries and lemon juice/zest in the Vita. The sauce gelled in the freezer right along with the cheesecake topping, making it the BEST bite size dessert ever. You rock, Averie!

  2. just today i was trying to convince someone that you can make vegan cheesecake that is as good if not better than the traditional kind, THIS recipe will prove my point, thanks averie :)

  3. Hi,
    I love this recipe for its simplicity! I tried making a vegan recipe that included lots of ingredients like pudding and vegan cream cheese. Personally I don't think margarine is healthy with all its trans fats and artificial manufacturing- but every vegan eats it! yech! Im all about real food from the source, so the idea of using cashews for the creaminess is awesome. I also really like adding miso to get that "cheesy" taste, which I have used in the past in vegan recipes.
    I also agree about appliances, though I happen to have a dehydrator (the only item my mom succumbed to buying from a TV infommercial!!) but I love my blender best!
    Can't wait to try your recipe, the crust reminds me of one I have been making since finding out about Ani Phyo and her mango crumble recipe which i adapted and posted on my blog
    xo Myrite

  4. OMG Averie I just made this recipe! It is delish! I made an adaptation, I used lime juice instead of lemon juice b/c it is all I had, and it made this taste like a key lime pie!!!!!! You made my day! Since developing a lactose intolerance and becoming vegan, I have always missed key lime pie. NO MORE! Thanks for always being amazing Averie! :)

  5. ""Although I love desserts, I like variety and rather than making huge portions, I like to make smaller stuff, and then if I love it, I'll make it again. And if not, there are a bazillion other dessert recipes I wanna try anyway."

    I totally agree! I always halve or third recipes…except in my case it's more because I don't want to waste ingredients in case it doesn't turn out.

    I love this cheesecake, though. It looks so darn easy, too! WAY easier than the complicated egg and dairy and graham cracker and who-knows-what-else ones that I used to make.

    Oh, and I totally fight the candy aisle…like always. I often go there an toss around a few bags of chocolate and then decide "this is stupid. I could make better tasting and better for me treats at home". Like yours!

  6. The best lemon cheesecake filling is from Matthew Kenney's Everyday Raw. The "Lemon Macaroon Cheesecake". The crust is gross so I just make the crust out of almonds, agave and coconut oil. Grind the almonds in the food processor, add about 2 Tbsp. of coconut oil then pulse in enough agave to make it come together. Press it into a pan and viola!

  7. WOW!!! I'm the same way – I like variety so I usually 1/2 recipes :D

    As for halloween candy?? I'm all about it! Now if only I won't be thought of a 21 year-old candy-stealer when I go trick-or-treating ;)

  8. Oh my gosh, you are a raw dessert mastermind! That "cheesecake" looks awesome! Especially that crust. Mmm!

    I love candy corn as a little treat. That's pretty much the only halloween candy I eat though. It's mainly just 5 forms of sugar, but a lil bit once in a while won't kill me :)

  9. Cheesecake- speechless. No words.

    Candy- oh yes please. Here's my guilty secret (one of many)…I buy the Halloween mini versions of my fave candies and eat them throughout the year. I am fortunate in that I can eat just a few pieces (like 5 M&Ms or so, and then put them back)…consequently, I have about 24 opened packets of different varieties of mini candies- all partly nibbled. Such a goofball. Eventually if I let them sit too long and forget to put them in the freezer they get trashed.

  10. vegan cheesecake? girrrrrrl no you di-nnnnt! when are you opening up that vegan bakery? seriously — it's your calling! then you can teach yoga classes while your creations are baking.. it'll be perf!