Free Gifts & Amazon Store


This post may contain affiliate links.

Over the weekend when I went to the mall, I pre-bought two containers of my favorite face wash (reviewed here) since they were having a Lancome Gift with Purchase at Nordstrom starting Tuesday.

Lancome Products from Nordstroms

So on Tuesday afternoon, I went and picked up my face wash and gift.  They don’t let you take the product home until the day of the gift starts.  Another trip to the mall, sure, but I only live 5 minutes away so not a biggie.

Two bottles of mousse and Facial Cleanser The Bi-Facil blue eye makeup remover is the best stuff ever.  It’s been around forever and the stuff works. Dare I say it’s the best eye makeup remover I’ve ever used and I’ve tried tons over my lifetime.

I was able to select 6 gift items from a list of about 12.  I chose 3 cremes since they are generally very expensive and even a tiny sample is a great value$ in my favor.

Lancome Face Creams

And I chose this mascara

Hand holding Hypnose Drama Mascara

Normally I wear this mascara (reviewed here) but I will never say no to free Lancome.

Pink and green mascara bottle

And the makeup goodies all came in a cute bag with a brush.

Silver Makeup bagInside makeup bag showing pink lining

From my last post about my Amazon Order and Ordering Online, it was fun to hear what, if anything, you buy online and what you buy in person.

Most of you said you wished you could be a little more organized and on top of things because you realize by planning ahead and being able to wait for shipping, by ordering online you can save money.  And, you can also save time by having things delivered to your doorstep.    The irony of that, since I made a second trip to the mall to go back for my free gift.  Oh well, I live so close.

In honor of St. Paddy’s Day, drink a Green Juice
Green juice in pourable container

Or just skip the juice, and head straight for dessert.

Raw Vegan Almond Butter Cookie Bites

Plate full of Raw Vegan Almond Butter Cookie Bites

These are such a fast no-bake dessert/snack and I know there are just a few blog readers who go ga-ga for almond butter anything.

Close up of three Raw Vegan Almond Butter Cookie Bites on white dish




1. Do you wait for Gift with Purchase events when buying your makeup?

When I was younger and wore Clinique (pre MAC makeup days), I used to “play the field”.  Like, I knew that in November, Macy’s would have a gift with purchase; in April Nordstrom would; in June I could get a gift with purchase from Bloomingdales.   What can I say, free makeup was worth planning for!

Now, the only product I use faithfully that “qualifies” for gift with purchase is the Lancome facial cleanser, but I do love the MAC holiday gifts sets in December that they come out with!  But those aren’t gifts with purchase.  They’re holiday sets, i.e. something else to buy.

2. I’m thinking about setting up an Amazon Store.  Should I?

I actually set up an Amazon storefront about two years ago but have done almost nothing with it.  I know some bloggers have OpenSky stores and I tried it (here’s my OpenSky Store) but there were major limitations to it.


It would give readers a place to see what products I use regularly and what I recommend.  I would only promote products I personally have, own, use, and love.

For example, I recommend the spiralizer I have to at least 3 people a week via email.  They want to know what I have, where I got it, how much I paid, and if I like it.  An Amazon storefront would handle all of that.  Plus, it would be nice to make 50 cents from those recommendations, so to speak.


It takes lots of upfront time to set up a storefront with no guarantees of the store being useful to anyone.

There can and usually are little snags on anything tech-related which takes time to troubleshoot.

Would anyone actually buy from me, just to buy from me, because they want to be helpful or nice or show some support?  A good thought, but I don’t think people really care or notice who they buy from. I think that most people buy on price and my prices wouldn’t be any cheaper than any of the other zillions of Amazon “store owners” that have Amazon storefronts.

What do you think?  Would you enjoy seeing what I have, own, recommend in terms of products?

If you have an Amazon store, how is it doing$$ for you?

Was it time consuming to set up?

Would you be inclined to actually purchase anything from a blogger’s storefront?

Happy St. Paddy’s Day Everyone! Does anyone have any plans? I am off to an appointment so no, no St Paddy’s Day plans for me.

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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  1. I never wait for a “gift with purchase” when I buy makeup … I don’t know if I spend enough to even qualify for free gifts! I am going to look into it though!!

    You have such perfect nails – they are very pretty!!!

  2. I don’t know if the Amazon store is difficult to set up, but I don’t think they have a great rate of commission. But….if it’s easy to set up, it would be great to have all of your faves in one place!!

  3. YES get an amazon store!! that would be rad! and more people know about amazon so that equals more $ hehe..

  4. I only buy makeup at supermarkets or big-box type stores, so I definitely don’t get a free gift! ;)

    I don’t pay much attention to OpenSky or Amazon stores, but I know that I’m sort of in the minority with that.

  5. Look at all those goodies! Like I said in another comment, I’m getting my face wash and stuff today too! I guess it’s not so weird to be excited about that!!! :D

  6. Do you mean an affiliate program with Amazon? I have that but barely use it…I don’t know. As a reader, I get a bit annoyed when the blogger tries to sell a product. I don’t really like OpenSky, either. I never buy anything through that. It just makes the blog too…businessy. I dunno. Just my immediate feeling towards it, but I don’t really have much of a firm opinion on this.

  7. I would have no problem buying from a blogger’s store!! I enjoy reading your blog and your recommendations!! Now was the I-Phone touch screen easy to adjust too? I love my blackberry:)))

  8. that make up remover is similar to the clarins one i get and ive tried both with amazing results- its taken me forever to find a trusty make up remover that didnt make my skin feel like hell the next day..either im left with half my make up still on in the morning,,,or my face feels like sand paper- this stuff does the trick!

    xoxo <3

  9. Yes, I do think you should set up an Amazon store. I can’t speak to whether it would be worth it or not since I’m not sure how much work it involves (I am an affiliate, but don’t have a store), but I know it would be valuable to your readers. I like to see what products my favorite bloggers recommend. I have only once purchased something from a blogger’s store, but I would do it more if there was something I needed and it was a good deal.