Knock It Out & Pileups


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My life has been a whirlwind since returning home from Aruba.  Almost 3 weeks gone and on vacation is lovely while you’re gone. But then you have to get back to real life and in my case I had to do it without missing a beat and had to hit the ground running.

From the moment I stepped off the plane there was mail to sort

Box of US Postal Service mail

And product reviews I neeeded to write.  Lots of them:


Household traditions powdered dish detergent

And: Snack Boxes

Box of snacks like iced tea or alfajores

And: On a Stick!

On a Stick! Book by Matt Armendariz

And: Stevia & Chocolate

Enjoy life double chocolate crunch and mega chunks


But I think I am mostly caught up now.

I’ve also been knocking out some easy, fresh, fast meals and snacks.

Salads with veggies

Salad with cucumber, tomatoes, and snap peas

Adding in some Sweet & Sour Honey Lemon Tofu would be great with the salad.

Sweet & Sour Honey Lemon TofuBut I haven’t turned my oven on in a month!

Everything I’ve made has either been on the stovetop…

Like Mango Balsamic Rice, Beans, & Mixed Vegetables

Mango Balsamic Rice, Beans, & Mixed Vegetables

Or has been made in my Vita…

From Taste of the Tropics Smoothies

Taste of the Tropics Smoothies in wine glass

to No Bake Coconut Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites

Coconut Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites

I’ve been knocking out easy things that don’t heat up the house.  Not that it’s that hot or anything here.

Truth be told, turning on my oven has nothing to do with heat index and everything to do with time management and just being so ridiculously busy.

I had to knock out getting a new computer all set up, too.

Desktop mac on black deskBut that was a fun knock out!

From my last post, Stevia & Chocolate, it was fun to read if you’re a stevia fan or not.  Most of you have tried it and really like it or are at least curious about trying it one of these days.

As suspected, most of you are chocolate fansI knew that already! But there were a few people who said you’re just meh or whatever about chocolate.  <— I don’t understand this!


1. What have you been knocking out recently?

Any life stuff, chores, errands, projects that you’ve tackled and knocked out?

Or maybe you’ve made some knock-outs in the kitchen. Any gems you want to tell me about?

2. Do you feel stressed or anxious when things pile up?

I do!  I hate the feeling of excess, pile-up, surplus, too much.  It leaves me anxious.

It stresses me out when I feel that things are too piled up.  I hate letting anything accumulate, especially blog writing and product reviews.  Heather recently wrote that she wanted to move away from as many product reviews going forward and in the meantime had a ton to get through and was just going to knock them out as quickly as possible.

Not sure if I will start doing any less in the future, but I definitely don’t like them piling up for three weeks, and wanted to knock mine out, lickity split.

I like to work ahead of the curve, not behind it.  And when things pile up and are waiting for me, it makes me a bit frazzled and frantic and I don’t stop and find peace until things are done.   Or at least until I have things better controlled.

From my refrigerator busting at the seams with food I know we’ll have to scramble to eat before it goes bad to tons of phone calls that I have to return to emails I need to reply to, I really dislike the feeling of things being piled up!

What are your thoughts on pile ups and accumulation?

3. What do you do about it to either prevent it from happening or how to cope once things do just pile up?

I try to just take a deep breath, realize it’s not the end of the world if I can’t get to everything as promptly as I wish.

But, I also work as quickly and efficiently as possible to get things back on track.

Trying to just roll with the punches of life, practice some yoga breathing, and just be chill about things is my overall strategy.

P.S. Thanks for the Coconut Oil Giveaway entries!

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.


  1. I definitely get stressed when things pile up. I have felt like that this last couple of weeks, but fortunately things are winding down. I knocked out report cards last week, my sisters shower stuff all week, and then tomorrow I will knock out my final assignment for my class.

  2. that’s right christine, even me i don’t like my work file up..before i start my day very stressful,everything is rush.but then when i read this article i feel great early morning i prepare kids to school no rush everything is good.thanks for sharing this idea.
    noe i can even lots of time for my work without rushing

  3. Averie-I am really excited about trying your PB chocolate chip energy bars! I am leaving for a trip today and since they are no-bake, I am going to try to whip them up really fast so I can take them with me for snacks! I have been reading your blog for a few months now and I really enjoy it! :)

    1. your right katy…this is awesome i did try the chocolate chips and my kids they really love them keep telling make more…can bring this to school?i let them bring to schools and share to their friend…

  4. Sounds like you really did hit the ground running when you got back. Good thing you got in lots of relaxation while you were in Aruba.

    Knocked out a quick avocado, banana, cinnamon, ginger & nutmeg dip for my veggies at lunch. So yummy! It was like dipping my veggies in dessert ;)

    Anxious? You bet! When my desk job, paintball job, and housework pile up I start to stress out. Thankfully I’m training someone to replace me at the paintball field. Will be nice to have a day “off” work to get the stuff around the house taken care of. Why did we buy a house with such a huge yard? LOL!