Thursday Things | January 12, 2012


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Time for a few Thursday Things.

1. This gorgeous cutting board from Anthro.

Wooden cutting board

It’s almost too pretty to cut anything on.  And for the price, I would probably just hang it on my wall as art rather than cut anything on it.  It’s a showpiece not a workhorse. Who is buying $250 cutting boards, anyway?

2. These Kraft Caramel Bits

Bag of Kraft Caramel Bits

I have never worked with them but after I saw Lindsay post her caramel bark, I want to buy them just so I can make something with them.

You know, a life bucket list thing I never knew I wanted to do but now I must tackle.

3. I love caramel anything.

From Raw Vegan 3 Ingredient Caramels

Squares of 3 ingredients caramel

4. To HFCS caramel sauce more sugary and decadent caramel sauces that I use in Caramel Apple Bars (GF with vegan adaptation)

Stack of caramel apple bars

Caramel makes my heart go pitter patter.

5. If you have interest in attending a blogging, writing, or photography workshop in 2012, Dianne has a fabulous master list.

It’s the most thorough and comprehensive I’ve seen put together for 2012.  Open the link at your own risk because there are so many fabulous offerings and it will probably make you want to take a trip or attend a conference in 2012.

6. The Today Show Re-Pinned my Pretzel Peanut Caramel Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Truffles

Today show pinterest

The fact that they even know who I am

Or pinned something of mine just about made me choke on my peanut butter.

Today show pin of Pretzel Peanut Caramel Peanut Butter Cookie dough Truffles

7. I saw this question on The Kitchn

Article titled "Help Me Make Better Tollhouse Chocolate Chip Cookies"

There are many people who chimed in how to make The Perfect Cookie.  The most common suggestion was chilling the dough first.

8. I did a cookie dough analysis in this post, discussing which ingredients and various ratios will tend to produce which certain results.

What to do if you want thin and crispy cookies vs. soft, fat, and chewy cookies.

I prefer the later.  The former isn’t even worth eating in my opinion.

Cookie ingredient analysis


9. Thanks to everyone who’s been pinning my Orange PushUp Smoothie (Vegan, GF)

Orange PushUp Smoothies

  It tastes just like Orange PushUps or freeze the mixture in molds for at-home PushUps.

10. Have you entered the Avocado Giveaway?

Avocado Cut in half


Have you seen any things lately that have you excited?   What are your things?

Do you have a recipe for The Perfect Cookie?  Or any tips, tricks, or suggestions?

Everyone has their own little cookie baking tricks for perfect cookies.

That, or you have a recurring cooking baking problem and no matter what you try, you’re coming up with less than stellar results.  I hope that’s not the case though.

The Cooks Illustrated Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe is what I based my peanut butter oatmeal white chocolate cookies on and it’s my new go-to recipe.

The other one I want to try is the New York Times Chocolate Chip cookie recipe.

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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    1. you’ve tried them> Awesome!

      thanks for all your comments that you’ve left the past few minutes…saw your beach pics. So pretty!

      1. Thanks!
        I have MANY more to come : )

        The brownies are a slight obsession in our house. They are good cold and even better warm with ice cream. Enjoy your baking chips!

  1. Congrats on your Today Show pin! So fabulous.

    Also, that orange smoothie looks divine…thinking I may need some of that soon :) Have a great weekend Averie!

  2. Congratulations on your Today show debut!! :-) You are famous! Your photos are amazing, though, so you should prepare yourself to go totally global! LOL! :-)

    Here is one of the cool things I have seen lately:

    I love these in the persimmon color! But really, anything from Anthropologie I will drool over!

    My favorite cookie would have to be an oatmeal chocolate chip that has some caramel in it. My grandma used to make the most chewy, delicious cookies! Happy Thursday, Averie! :-)


  3. I have a recipe for the perfect chocolate chip cookie, but I haven’t shared it yet … it is a post that is yet to come …

  4. I’ve tried gajillions of chocolate chip cookie recipes and always come back to the toll hour recipe-though I confess I usually get stick on the dough…my favorite part. And chilling dough first definitely helps, though it gives me more time to consume it raw:)

  5. I use 50 % more vanilla than the tollhouse recipe calls for, too. I just find it overall gives it a little more oomph taste wise – not that its vanilla-y, just well… more cookie-y ;) And I always melt the better! Great trick. Cheers to (soft!) cookie baking, one of winters greatest pleasures

  6. Congrats on the pins! I cannot believe they’re even trying to sell a cutting board for $250 – that’s crazy!

    And those melting the butter and using an egg yolk rather than whole egg tricks – those sound awesome, thanks! (The sugar tricks too but I don’t cook with white or brown sugar so those aren’t as relevant for me – but they sure sound like they work!).

  7. The perfect cookie to me is definitely the soft, chewy slightly underdone variety. And I try and only enter contests that I reallly want to win so I definitely entered the avocado contest. I think I’m going to have to go buy one today because now I’m craving that smooth, creamy fruit.

  8. Great list, thanks for the blogging list, very helpful! And congrats on your recipe and the Today Show, do cool! Not much on my list besides finding new iPhone apps.

  9. How awesome that Today show pinned you! I know very little about Pinterest, but I would assume that having them pin you is a good thing! :)
    My mom makes the best chocolate chip cookies in the world. I’m pretty sure she has always just followed the Toll House recipe, but somehow when she makes them, they turn out better than anyone else’s. My roommates in college used to get SO excited when she would send them to me.