Thursday Things


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Here’s my roundup of Thursday Things for the week:

1. It’s a very special day today.  See #10 below after you’ve read 1 through 9, of course.

2.  Keepsy is a fun site for all you Instagramming-obsessed people.  It turns your Instgram pics into a calendar or hardcover book, or r you can use pictures from Facebook or Flickr.

Examples of Keepsy Calendars: My Life in Instagram, My summer in Instagram

3. National Food Holiday list.  You know you’re a food blogger or read too many food blogs when you actually look forward to National Peanut Butter Day or National Pineapple Upside Down Cake Day (April 20) and you create, cook, plan, and post certain recipes on certain days.

Peanut Butter and Jelly Thumbprints (No-Bake, Vegan, GF) were timed with National Peanut Butter Day.  Geek central, right?

Peanut Butter and Jelly Thumbprint Cookies

4. Have a question about anything photography related?

Jenn Cuisine put together an amazing resource page with more links, info, and help than you can shake a DSLR at.

I also linked this up in my own Photography Section where I discuss everything from my camera bodies, to lenses, camera bags and gear reviews, editing programs, and food styling tips.

5. When I made the Sweet Potato Graham Cracker “French Toast” Sticks, I mentioned that sometimes the strangest looking food tastes the best.

Sweet Potato Graham Cracker “French Toast” Sticks

Here’s 10 strange looking foods, straight from nature to your table.

Hopefully the Buddha’s Hands won’t scare the children.  Or the husbands.

6. I upgraded my computer operating system with OS X Lion.  My timing is impeccable because the $29.99 upgrade is free if you bought your computer after July 21, 2011.

I bought my computer on July 20, 2011 so I’m 30 smackers lighter.  Oh well.

Apple Computers

As for Lion, I have no idea about the “benefits” or why it will make my life better, but hey, I’m up to date now.  Just in time for Octopus or Zebra or whatever the next operating system they’ll announce will be to come out and render Lion old news.

7. I upgraded to Lion because I wanted to try the PicFrame app so I could “write” on my photos.  So after buying Lion because it was necessary in order to install PicFrame, I realized that you can’t “write” on images anyway.  Or, if you can, I haven’t figured it out.


PicFrame was only a buck and is a cool app and I’m sure I’ll use it to fritter time away on photography projects make photography collages.

8.  After buying things for my computer that I may or may not need, I went to the mall I bought something I did “need”.  More Victoria’s Secret Bombshell.

They have a new limited edition Bombshell, Bombshell In Love, but I was on the fence about the limited edition version and stuck with the tried and true.

Victoria's secret pink bombshell in love perfume

9.  These are tried and true, also.

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls (No-Bake, Vegan, GF)

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls

10. I gave birth 5 years ago today.  I can’t believe she’s five years old.

I could talk about parenthood, motherhood, how amazing she is, how much I love her more than I ever knew was possible, how I can’t believe how fast time has gone the past five years, how my life before her doesn’t even feel like it was real and that it wasn’t complete and that it’s a foggy memory; and that in just over a decade she’ll be getting ready to go out in the world on her own, which I shudder to think about her leaving the nest.  I’ve been crying Hallmark tears on and off all day today, thinking about this special day.  My baby is 5.

She’s my world, my everything; that I love her so very much, I don’t know where to begin so I’ll simply say, Happy Birthday Skylar.  I love you.


On the beach in Aruba a few weeks ago.  Four going on 14, but she’s 5 now!

Skylar on the beach

What are your Thursday Things? 

Anything new, exciting, noteworthy, or fun that you’ve eaten or seen this week?

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.



    When my computer crashed a couple months ago, the apple store told me they would give me lion for free when they rebooted everything since I was already paying for a new hard drive. Well, they did not. So I ended up buying the upgrade myself, because honestly, as devoted as I am to apple and my mac I KNOW they design their products to not function as well without the latest upgrades and updates. I was so freaked out about my hard drive already that I just went ahead and took the plunge. It’s definitely worth it if it means avoiding any hard drive aggravation, and one thing I will say for Lion is that it makes backing up easier than ever.

    1. thanks for the detailed info…I knew there was a reason I wanted to do this “I KNOW they design their products to not function as well without the latest upgrades and updates.” – If that right there helps me, then it was 30 bucks well spent!

  2. Your daughter is so beautiful! I bet you are such a proud mother. :)

    As for Lion, I really need to upgrade myself. It’s been on my “to-do” list ever since it came out. My problem is that some of my software I have on my computer is not compatible. For legal reasons, I shouldn’t say why, but if that’s any indicator…

    And basically, with any upgrade in OS, you are going to get a higher yield on how fast your computer runs and better storage space. When I upgraded my mac from Leopard to Snow Leopard, for instance, like 16 gbs were freed up in just the program files that the computer needed to run. Currently, my computer is almost sitting at max capacity (54.11 gb free out of 250! Yikes!!) so the reduction in gbs would be helpful for me. But, I also bought my Mac in 2009, so sadly, your awesome news does not apply to me. I should just suck it up and do it though.

    Someday soon I’m going to have my computer science boys that I run around with install a new hard-drive in my baby, but I’m terrified of voiding the warranty. I really need insurance for this thing. I would HIGHLY recommend, since Macs are so steal-able and temperamental in regards to liquids, purchasing insurance for your computer!

    Welp, this comment was longer than intended. Happy Friday. :)

    1. thanks for the detailed info and if 30 bucks helps me get better performance, it was a very well spent $30!

  3. Happy Birthday, Skylar :) I absolutely adore the picture of her with the glasses. Oh you’re in trouble! Have a good weekend, Averie!

  4. she’s 5 already?? didn’t she just turn 4?? lol time sure does fly!! i’m getting old!! happy bday little pretty girl!!

    1. Glad you saw the link and your page is soooo helpful. What a resource you compiled. It’s one-stop photography help shopping!

  5. Hope Skylar had a wonderful birthday! Happy Birthday to her! Big 5! Time goes fast!

    I have to go to vic secret to smell that perfume, I bet it is awesome ; )

    Happy Friday! <3

  6. Happy birthday to your beautiful little girl ! It’s a shame we’re not neighbors or my little girls could play with yours (she turned 5 3 weeks ago) and you could make all those yummy things you’re always coming up with and I would eat them all ;) Mmmm , maybe better that we don’t live next to each other…
    Anyways, have a wonderful day !

  7. Thursday things:

    – Very excited for 2 fun events this weekend
    – Happy to have finished more thesis work this evening
    – Found a new delicious coconut product after work today – I love coconut!

  8. Happy birthday to your gorgeous daughter! Such a pretty name too. We have oranges that just turned out looking like Buddha’s hands! It’s crazy. And I’m sure my Mac is so out of date, but it’s still usable.

  9. Happy birthday Skylar! And congrats to you, motherhood is no small feat;)
    As for note-able food and drinks, I have to vote for the sautéed mushrooms in some sort of amazing sauce I had last week at Bar Celona for food, and the chocolate shake Black Russian drinks I made this week for the drink category:)

  10. Happy birthday to Skylar! She is so adorable. I absolutely love what you said about how she has changed your life so much–things like that make me look forward to being a mom someday :)

  11. Birthday Wishes from Chicago! 5 is such a fun and exciting year!

    Did you make any special birthday treats?