Thursday Things


This post may contain affiliate links.

Here are this week’s Thursday Things:

1. French Terry Crop Pants, French Terry Raglan Sweatshirt with Ganesh and a Renew Long Sleeve Raw Edge Tee with Ganesh from Be Present

Everything is so ridiculously soft and comfortable. I have been wearing Be Present, almost daily, since 2004. This is what I live in for yoga, for power walks, for grocery shopping, and for life in general, I love it.

Pink and grey shirts along with pants

Ganesh is the remover of obstacles and the lord of beginnings. I need all the help I can get.

2. Need yoga info from clothes I love to what kind of mat I can’t live without to what kind of music I like to the finer points on the different styles of yoga?

This post, Yoga FAQs, has you covered.

3. I got my hot little mitts on a copy of Lindsay Landis’ soon-to-be-released book, The Cookie Dough Lover’s Cookbook

For anyone who loves cookie dough (the recipes are all egg-free so no risk of salmonella), this is the book for you. The recipes are for more than just cookie dough balls. She has everything from cinnamon rolls to donuts, all using cookie dough.

The Cookie Dough Lover's Cookbook by Lindsay Landis

Lindsay did all her own photography for the book and her images are just stunning.

If a book doesn’t have images that jump off the page, unfortunately I probably won’t make the recipes. I crave jump-off-the-page-imagery and every single image does just that. I was drooling for cookie dough while thumbing through the book.

Page spread of I love cookie dough heart

4. Lindsay mentions in the book that the highest viewed post on her blog is her recipe for chocolate chip cookie dough truffles, which she posted back in 2009, and that the post was also the beginning of the inspiration for her cookie dough cookbook.

Ironically, in 2009 I posted Raw Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls (no-bake, vegan, GF) and they are one of my highest viewed posts of all time. Stats don’t lie; people love cookie dough.

Raw Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls

5. In 2009 and early 2010, I think most every post I did was for some sort of cookie dough ball, bite, truffle, or no-bake little round globe. Ahhh, the memories.

I’ve moved from ball recipes <– (every ball recipe I’ve ever made is there) to bars, but will always have a soft spot for all those little balls I used to roll out.

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bite (no-bake, vegan, GF) anyone?

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites

6. This “31 Bits” 87 Cuff from Harabu House- Using fashion and design to empower women to rise above poverty.

"31 Bits" 87 Cuff

Kallie Dovel traveled to Uganda in the summer of 2007, getting a first- hand look at life in Northern Uganda. While she was there, she met women making paper beads but who lacked a plan to market and sell them. After spending time in their homes and hearing their stories, Kallie knew there had to be a way to give opportunities to her new friends. She brought a box of jewelry back to the U.S., and spent the next year finishing her degree and dreaming up the concept of a development organization. She brought a few friends on board and her ideas quickly evolved into 31 Bits. The girls traveled back to Uganda in August 2008, and selected six women to begin buying jewelry from on a monthly basis. Since then, we have grown to 99 women; each with a unique story of suffering that has been overcome with joy and liberation.


7. 7 Budget-Friendly Wines from Trader Joe’s. All under $10 and some of the featured wines can be found at places other than TJs.

Read the comments because there are suggestions for budget-friendly wines from a variety of stores, not just TJ’s. We all love a bargain vino, right?

Seven different bottles of wine

8. Chef Talk – Food and Cooking tips, tricks, and chatter.

Chef Talk, a food lover's link to professional chefs

People share the nitty gritty and their opinions on everything from a very obscure types of knives, to their thoughts about a certain type of microplane, baking sheet, food processor, mixer, and more.

These people really get into discussing specifics. If you like to research kitchen and cooking items before you buy them, and then research some more, this forum is chock full of very detailed opinions.

Food discussion forum

9. Have you entered the Sprinklebakes Cookbook Giveaway?

SprinkleBakes by Heather Baird

10. I have 3 product coupons for 3 free bottles of Trop50 with Tea Beverages ($4.99 each).

If you’d like the coupons, leave a comment below about anything at all from yoga to cookie dough to baking to tea. I’ll pick a winner and announce it in my next post.

Raspberry with green tea Trop50 advertisement

What are your Thursday Things?

If you’ve made anything great, done something fabulous, bought something exciting or fun, link it up below.

Do you prefer baked cookies or cookie dough? Favorite kind of dough?

Both have their place, depending on my mood. The chewiness of a baked cookie, warm and gooey straight form the oven is fabulous, but so are spoonfuls of cookie dough straight from the mixing bowl.

I’ve never met a dough I didn’t like. Chocolate chip, peanut butter, molasses, snickerdoodle, you name it, I wouldn’t say no.

Leave a Comment

Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.


  1. For more years than I’m willing to admit I have been a cookie dough girl. Chocolate chip, snickerdoodle, you name it I’ve eaten it. I have a question about the Be Present clothing. Where can they be found and are they cotton? Anyone who has “power surges” knows how good cotton feels. I’m still drooling over the cookbook, it just looks like a lot of fun! Thanks for sharing a great post!

  2. I can’t pick!! But … if I had to, I guess the dough :-) Or cookies that are partly raw. Chocolate chip is the best for sure, but I also love white chocolate macadamia nut.

  3. I’ll eat cookie dough baked or raw–love it both ways!! Lindsay’s book looks beautiful (I’m pretty visual when it comes to food– I love cookbooks with great pictures). I think I need some Be Present apparel for my vacation–it looks like it would be very comfy for sitting around in airports and on planes. But..since we leave in 2 days, I think it’s a little late to order any for this trip. I’ll just have to take some raw cookie dough balls instead!

    1. The Mobility Pant by Be Present is It’s lightweight, folds up into next to nothing, you can handwash in the sink in a hotel room if necessary and will air dry overnight. I have brought them around the world for the last almost decade (have them in about 6 colors…love them all!)

    1. Those look so good. Anything adapted from Paula Deen is destined to be pretty fabulous.

  4. I love cookies of all forms. I also love cookie dough but there’s just something about warm cookies and a glass of milk.

  5. People really DO love cookie dough! I saw Lindsay’s book on Instagram when she was receiving her first copies and I was drooling through just those sneak peeks. Yours have me even more enticed! Can’t wait to get my hands on that one :).

  6. It’s all about the dough, and that book is en route to me as we speak. Can’t wait!!

    My Thursday thing is that closing on my new house just got bumped up a few days! It’s only a week and a half from now!! AHHHHHH…..I should probably start packing now then, huh? ;)

  7. Ooooh that’s a hard one. Cookie dough is awesome in its own right, but a warm chewy cookie is where it’s at!

  8. I’ve been following Lindsay’s blog for a long time now (one of the first I ever followed, along with yours!) and I am sooo excited to get her book! I can’t think of a cookbook topic more appealing, and she is just an amazing photographer.

    1. I feel like I’ve “known” you for at least 3 years…pretty much since the beginning of my blog. Wow, time flies!

  9. These are so fun! I can’t wait to get my hands on Lindsay’s book! Have a great day

  10. My faves of your faves: the ganesh tees…<3 Ganesh! The cookie bookie…I have to get my hands on that…you got it right about the cookie dough! and not only is that bracelet tops, it is for a good cause. thanks for the share!

  11. I cannot WAIT for Lindsay’s cookie dough book! I’ve been reading her blog for 2-3 years now. Cookie dough is way better than cookies, IMHO. ;)