While They Were Watching the Game


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While other people were watching the Superbowl, Skylar and I headed for the mall.  And thankfully, it was pretty empty.  I surmise most people were glued to the tube.  Not me.

Young girl in purple zip up sweater smiling with hands behind back

I took this pile of empty MAC makeup containers and brought them to the MAC Store

MAC Makeup in bag

Tip: Every 6 empty MAC containers = 1 free lipgloss/lipstick so save them and turn them in for your freebie!

Four empty MAC containers

I traded them for a few other items and…..

MAC Cosmetics in bag

…Prrr.  I love Prrr

PRRR Lipgloss in boxLipgloss out of box showing pink color

It’s really iridescent and has great shimmer.  And you can play around with liners from Plum to Spice and change its look.  Super versatile and on your lips, it doesn’t look nearly as coral as in the tube.

I love MAC, period.

Makeup case full of MAC cosmetics

I also picked up a couple new-to-me MAC facial cleansers

MAC Facial CleansersIf I don’t like them, I will bring them back.  But I am going to give them a try.

Bottom of cleansers one for foaming and one gel

I have serious love for This Stuff so it’s a hard act to beat.

Two Lancome Mousse Bottles

Since it’s essential to have snacks with when going to the mall, I brought this snack bar with us.  A homemade Microwave Chocolate Peanut Butter & Oat Bar

One Microwave Chocolate Peanut Butter & Oat Bar wrapped in plastic wrap

Three Microwave Chocolate Peanut Butter & Oat Bars on white plate

And while other people were watching the game, I took advantage of the low 70s and sunny weather and went for a 20 minute run and then 20 minutes of yoga/lifting at home

This is what I saw.  I like this scenery better than football.

Flowering tree

Stop and smell the roses the Bird of Paradise

Close up of flower on tree

And while other people were watching the game and eating Superbowl Food

…This is what I had for a snack:  Special K bars

Special K Bars

The underside is pure heaven.  Peanut Butter + Brown Sugar + Karo Syrup + Vanilla.  Perfect after a hard day at the mall.

Bottomside of one Special K Bar

From my last post about What I Know, it was fun to hear what you know.

And it seems there are tons of Maybelline mascara fans out there too.

And also I am glad that my discussion of Rules are Meant to be Broken resonated with you, too.  Not all “rules” are set in stone.  I always enjoy learning what rules you break, or would like to break.


1. Did you watch the Superbowl?

As you can see from this post, no.  I was way too busy buying makeup and being outside.

2. If you did watch the game, did you enjoy yourself?

3. If you didn’t watch the game, what did you do this weekend?

Fill me in on your weekend and what’s in store for your week?

P.S. If you’re just catching up on weekend posts, here are mine since Friday night.

Have a great week!


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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.


  1. LOVE the new blog! Could hardly tune into your old one over my work network at all. I sort of watched the game, but mostly wished I was sleeping since I had a big headache. This week I want to cook 2 new meals for my family.

  2. I love Mac! I buy so many of their products! I also had a good time watchin the game with my family but I was sad at the outcome, I was rooting for the steelers!

  3. 1. No I didn’t watch the superbowl…LOL…I literally do not understand that game. Watching football is totally comical and bizarre. I am more of a basketball person…basketball is much more elegant and sexy :)

    2. I went to “extreme” Yoga at my gym which was awesome!! Then I treated myself to lots of steam room/sauna time. Then I went to TJs and got some of that unsweetened baking chocolate and raw honey and made some oat bran chocolate cookies and read my ‘old lady porn’ romance novels all afternoon.
    I really enjoyed myself!!!

  4. Haha, That’s awesome! I was out shopping too, and it was quite nice seeing that everyone stayed home to watch the game. However, I was not running given the whole snow situation in the midwest… I seriously need to move :)

  5. awww what a lovely Sunday!! I didn’t watch the game either! It was 70* here, no better thing to do than SURF, so I found myself at the beach! :) on my way home I went by New Fronteir’s (a knock off of whole foods) and it was EMPTY! (I LOVED IT!) I hope your week is off to a great start!

  6. I made your Special K bars for the game and they were a huge hit! I was impressed by how easy they were to make and how delicious they are. Thanks for sharing your grandmother’s recipe!

  7. I didn’t watch one second of the super bowl cause I was coaching but I really don’t care that I missed it! I made those special k bars fully planning on sending them to a friend but um they are almost gone.. hehe! I’m not really a make up person but I may become one for the free stuff, thats a great deal.

  8. It looks like you had a fantastic “girl day” instead of super bowling it up (like I was!). I am definitely jealous of your sunshine though! As much as I have loved having weather, I’m ready for winter to be oveeeeeer

  9. Sounds like you had a fantastic time with Skylar, not watching the game.

    Excellent photo of your beautiful scenery.

    Cleaned the house, took a walk outside, shoveled the driveway, did some baking (apple & cinnamon bundt cake) and some un-baking (your chocolate snowballs). Had our neighbours over for dinner and enjoyed each other’s company by NOT watching the game :)

    On the previous post there were two links at the bottom of the page, but they weren’t for your site / blog:
    “Things You should know about B2B Video Marketing | Business Marketing and Hot Internet Marketing
    Affiliate Marketing- You Need to Know to Succeed in Affiliate Marketing! | Business Marketing and Hot Internet Marketing”
    Any idea what is going on there?

  10. Hi Averie,

    I am a new reader, but wondering if the special K bars upset your gluten issue? I recently discovered my years long gluten issue, but feel like there is nothing fun to eat anymore! Thanks!

    1. Ok so the gluten in the Special K bars for some reason does not bother me. I have no idea why…also for about 5 years I was extremely!!!! strict with not eating things with gluten.

      It seems that a combination of healing my gut with probiotics, not eating any gluten, and my current gluten consumption is very minimal, that I am fine. However….if I were to go have a piece of bread….I would be in agony. So it’s such a mixed bag.

      I did this post
      that may help you. Think of things that are NATURALLY Gf rather than trying to recreate. And I had to “pay my dues” of like 5 yrs of being super strict, no gluten, in order to have a Special K bar here and there :)

  11. I can’t believe how much you post! You must spend a lot of time blogging because your posts are always full of great stuff and interesting.

    I am so so jealous of your weather.. uuggghhh…

    I did not watch the superbowl.

    It’s strange, but I don’t wear make up.. maybe once a year I will put some on. I’m always shocked at how much better I look when I use it, but I have spent so much time working in hot kitchens and make up is the last thing you want on your face in that situation! I’d love to get all girly sometime and get a facial and make up..

    1. I do spend lots of time at my computer, I wont lie :) but I love it and couldnt/wouldnt do it if i didnt enjoy it. But thanks for noticing and for the compliments on my full/great/interesting posts…that just made my day :)

  12. i wanted to go shopping but all the stores in this city closed at 5pm so they could home and watch the game lol. totally serious! i watched it with my bro/nate and aside from the terrible music acts, it was an interesting enough game for someone who doesn’t care about football haha.

  13. great idea to go to the mall on Superbowl Sunday… I’ve done that before, empty!! :) yesterday we had people over for the game – I got to have my house full of friends and make awesome food, so I was happy!! I like watching the commercials, and the Packers are my team so I was happy they won…

    I *LOVE* mac also… I have a collection as big as yours! I like the green gel cleanser… I’m a gel person, no creme or milk for cleansing for me :)

    that bird of paradise is beautiful – so tall!!

    have a fabulous week!

    1. good to know you like the green gel! i dont like milk or creme cleansers but i do like foam. And gel is fine too.

      So far after 2 uses, i like it :)

  14. I watched, naturally. I also did some work, ellipticalled, tried on lothes for my interview and wrote up a blog post during the game. Too much to do, no time to do it! ARGH.

    There was no one at the gym during the game, either. Shocking, riht? ;) I watched the game on the individual tvs and read my textbook during commercials. That’s some serious multi-tasking right there.

  15. I “watched” the game. I really just visited with my friend who came over with her 11-month old and husband.