Hidden Treasures


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Remember when I reorganized my pantry?

Well, the hidden treasures keep coming.  I found a few of these Jokerz Bars in my pantry.

Jokerz Bars

They are so good!  They are a candy bar.  They are vegan, but they are a candy bar.   And delicious.
Jokerz Bars

And I found a few other hidden treasures like…

A Bebe tube top that I forgot I had that was hiding in my closet

Bebe tube top


Bebe tube top
 With the tags still attached!   I need to go out.  So I can wear this number!

Some MAC eye shadow colors I didn’t even remember buying when I organized my makeup trunk

MAC eye shadow colors


MAC eye shadow colors


MAC eye shadow colors
 And this is just the tip of the iceberg with my makeup stash.  Yes, I have tons and tons.   I have two more trunks full of mostly MAC and a smattering of random other brands.  And I like it.  I am a girlie girl.  Well, a mixture, remember?

From my last post about Morning Workouts and Morning Workout Tips, I am glad you enjoyed my tips and suggestions.  And it was great to hear yours.  Even if you’re not naturally “into” morning workouts sometimes you just have to make morning workouts, work.  

I loved your tips and secrets for getting your Morning Workout in.  And done.

Snack:  I topped some Homemade Vegan GF Granola with a few raisins

Vegan GF Granola
Vegan GF Granola
Like Raisins? I have a post of Recipes Using Raisins

Dessert: High Raw Vegan “Peppermint Patties”
High Raw Vegan "Peppermint Patties"

1. Best Thing You’ve Ate or Done This Weekend?
Going for a walk with my family, being together, talking, and catching up on the events of our week.   And it was sunny and in the high 60s.  Bonus!

2. Best thing you’ve found after you’ve reorganized or de-cluttered?
Some screws, nuts, and bolts to a piece of furniture that I had been looking for for a year when I reorganized Skylar’s closet last week.

And I found a CD with ultrasound pictures on it from when I was pregnant with Skylar, too

Some oldie but goodie itunes playlists that I had forgotten about but was reminded of when I created This New Playlist

And these kale chips in my pantry

What hidden treasures have you found?

Enjoy your weekend!

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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