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I’ve been wanting a whoopie pie pan for awhile.

Wilton Whoopie Pie Pan

I just went to Bed Bath & Beyond and picked up the last two.  If you live in San Diego, the Mission Valley BB & B is fresh out of whoopie.

Using 20% off coupons that I hoard and that don’t expire despite a printed expiration date on them (save them and redeem them on your next purchase; this is up to the store’s discretion but I’ve tried in probably 20 stores in 5 states and never had an issue), but the whoopie pie pans were only about $9 bucks each after using a coupon or order on Amazon.  Cheap whoopie thrills.

I’ve seen recipes on blogs and on Pinterest floating around for cookies made in whoopie pans and they always look so good.

It was one of those wild hairs that until I try this myself, I cannot rest.  The baking bug has bitten, whoopie style.

First up will be a batch of Peanut Butter Oatmeal White Chocolate Chip Cookies in the whoopie pans.

Stack of Peanut Butter Oatmeal White Chocolate Chip Cookies

And then I’m thinking of trying Snickers Bar Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies so that I can really stuff the Snickers bars in really deep into the cookies and make fat stuffed cookies..

Snickers Bar Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies

The cavities appear to hold about twice the amount of dough compared to regular cookies so I’m sure I’ll be able to stuff lots of candy into my cookies, which sounds perfect.

Whoopie Pie Pan

I love my donut pans

Mini Doughnut and Doughnut pans

I use my full size donut pan for Baked Chocolate Peanut Butter Donuts with Vanilla Peanut Butter Glaze

Baked Chocolate Peanut Butter Donuts

And for Krispy Kreme style donuts at home

Baked vanilla donuts with vanilla glaze

I used the mini-size donut pan for Baked Eggnog Vanilla Donuts with Eggnog Rum Glaze

Baked Eggnog Vanilla Donuts with Eggnog Rum Glaze

The mini pan is more of a P.I.T.A. because you have to be much more careful and precise when pouring the batter and it takes longer than using the full size pan because each cavity is so small, but I’m still glad I have it.

I’ve watched inventory of donut pans at BB & B dwindle over the past few months:


Store shelves of baking pans


Ice cream sandwich and whoopie pie pans

January: I got the last two whoopie pans.  Whew.

Whoopie Pie pans

Looks like at-home donuts are popular and that whoopie making is hotter than ever.

 The winner of the Avocado Giveaway is Amber Shea @Almost Vegan.  Congrats!

What baking bugs have bitten you lately?  What do you want to make? 

Have you seen anything interesting or fun that you’re dying to try?

I hope you’re enjoying your weekend and baking up some fun things!

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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  1. I just got my whoopie pie pan ( heart shapes:) ) but I like the ice cream sandwich one. Will have to look for it. I just discovered your blog and love it!

  2. So first of all your photos send me over the edge in mouth watering I want to eat that NOW land. I mean seriously fantastic food shots! The cookies, the doughnuts, oh my! I don’t know where to begin or how exactly I stumbled upon your site, but there is no turning back now. I will scour the posts for the perfect oatmeal raisin cookie recipe, all night if I have to!!!

    It may seem like a bit of a stretch, but making apple-cinnamon cheerio muffins, in the doughnut pan = giant cheerios, with a tall glass of milk, makes kids very happy. See the cheerio site for recipe :)


    1. Thanks SO MUCH for writing, finding me, and for the glowing comments you’ve left tonight. I really appreciate it!! And thanks for the tip re the cheerios muffins in the donut pan.

  3. I’ve never heard of a whoopie pie pan. I just always used a regular baking sheet. But, I have wanted one of those donut pans.

  4. I’ve wanted to get back into the kitchen and bake pretty much anything because I haven’t in weeks! I haven’t decided what to do first, but the blogosphere and Pinterest sure feed the addiction.

  5. I have never even had a whoopie pie before! I am really happy with my donut pan, and can’t wait to use it more and more, and try some of your delicious looking donut recipes!

  6. How fun, can’t wait to see your creations with the pans! I’m been in a dehydrating mood lately wanting to get into using mine more creating breads and crackers, but I need more non-stick sheets for iit first. :-P

  7. Those ice cream sandwich pans look interesting! So cool, we don’t have half of these things in Canada. You’re so lucky! I just made doughnuts yesterday and they were SO delicious. Loving my doughnut pan more than anything