20 Fast and Easy Desserts in Under 30 Minutes


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If life is as busy for you as it is for me, then these recipes should come in handy.

Minimal prep times and brief baking times, and desserts that are satisfying, taste wonderful, and everyone will think you slaved over them.

Sometimes the quick and easy recipes trump the far more time-consuming and complicated ones, and that’s what these recipe are about.

20 Fast and Easy Desserts in Under 30 Minutes averiecooks.com

None of the following recipes use a mixer – everything is mixed by hand, usually in own bowl. And everything is ready in a half hour or less:

1. Nutella Cinnamon Rolls with Vanilla Glaze – They give traditional cinnamon rolls a serious run for their money and ready in under a half hour

Nutella Cinnamon Rolls with Vanilla Glaze

2. Salted Caramel Pretzel Blondies – Salty and sweet, crunch and gooey, soft and chewy

Salted Caramel Pretzel Blondies

3. Coconut Peanut Butter Magic Cake Bars – Like Magic Bars or Seven Layer Bars with a cake base rather than graham cracker base

Coconut Peanut Butter Magic Cake Bars

4. Cinnamon Sugar Chocolate Pretzels (no-bake, vegan, GF) – Ready in 5 minutes and so much better than you can imagine based on the simple recipe. My husband begs for these

Cinnamon Sugar Chocolate Pretzels

5. Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Ganache – The best chocolate cake and the easiest. Never use a boxed mix again with this one-bowl, whisk-together cake that’s ready in under a half hour

Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Ganache

6. Baked Cinnamon Bun Donuts with Vanilla Cream Cheese Glaze

Baked Cinnamon Bun Donuts with Vanilla Cream Cheese Glaze

7. Seven Minute Microwave Caramels (no-bake, gluten-free) – They sound too good to be true but it really works. Caramels in the microwave and no candy thermometer required

Seven Minute Microwave Caramels

8. Coconut White Chocolate Chip Blondies – Dense, rich, and almost fudge-like

Coconut White Chocolate Chip Blondies

9. Snickerdoodle Cookie Granola Bars (no-bake, vegan, GF) – A healthy granola bar that tastes like cookies

Snickerdoodle Cookie Granola Bars

10. White and Dark Chocolate Cream Cheese Chocolate Cake Bars – All the decadence of cheesecake, minus the work

White and Dark Chocolate Cream Cheese Chocolate Cake Bars

11. Ritz Cracker Stuffed Peanut Butter Cups (No Bake, Vegan)

Ritz Cracker Stuffed Peanut Butter Cups

12. Browned Butter Rice Krispies Treats (no-bake with vegan and GF options) – The best RKTreats  I’ve ever had and I’m a connoisseur. These are my favorites

Browned Butter Rice Krispies Treats

13. 10-Minute Homemade Hot Fudge (GF) – Dense, rich, thick, decadent and easy. No need to ever buy it again

10-Minute Homemade Hot Fudge

14. Nutella Brownie Truffle Bites (no-bake with vegan and GF options)

Nutella Brownie Truffle Bites

15. Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Granola Bars (no-bake, vegan, GF) – My favorite granola bar for producing Quaker Chewy-style bars. Customizable, fast, easy and very popular with readers

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Granola Bars

16. Marshmallow Caramel Oreo Cookie S’Mores Bars

Marshmallow Caramel Oreo Cookie S’Mores Bars

17. Cinnamon Oatmeal Date Bars with Chocolate Chunks (no-bake, vegan, gluten-free) – Bars that taste like a bowl of cinnamon raisin oatmeal, topped with chocolate

Cinnamon Oatmeal Date Bars with Chocolate Chunks

18. The Ultimate Fudgy Caramel Brownies – My favorite brownie recipe, to date. Dense, rich, fudgy and easy. Never used a box mix again with these whisk-together brownies

The Ultimate Fudgy Caramel Brownies

19. Raw Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls (no-bake, vegan, GF) – One of the most popular recipes on my site since 2009. Healthy cookie dough that tastes like the real thing

Raw Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls

20. Peanut Butter Cup Cookie Dough Crumble Bars – A new favorite bar that’s dense, rich, smooth, soft, chewy, supremely moist and loaded with peanut butter cups

Peanut Butter Cup Cookie Dough Crumble Bars

Do you have a favorite fast and easy dessert?

Please leave links to your favorite recipes. I love hearing about quick and easy recipes that are longtime favorites of yours.

Thanks for the Odwalla Juices Giveaway entries

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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  1. These recipes are absolutely INSANE! I was just messing around on pinterest and saw THIS. OH MY GAWD! I have to wipe up all the shoelace drool off of the keyboard now thanks to you. I am definitely going to make these and share with my family and be the envy of every party and family gathering forever!,(insert maniacal laugh here…)BWAAAAAHAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAHAAAAAA!!!!!!!
    -Thank You Vey Much for making my Day! :)

    1. Chris thanks for finding me and funny you should write because tomorrow I have a 20 Cinco de Mayo/Easy Summmertime Entertaining Recipes Roundup going out. I hadn’t done one since this post and tomorrow I have one. Glad you enjoy the recipes & if you make anything, Please LMK!

  2. Hi

    This is fantastic–I am tempted to try out all—in your Nutella truffle recipe there is mention of flour but does it not need to be baked or something???if you just chill it woudn’t it taste kind of raw???

    1. No it doesn’t taste off in any way. I assure you, they’re pure fudgy goodness as the recipe is written!

  3. Oh Wow! These look so yummy ! I have my daughter’s class coming over for her birthday this weekend. I’ll try my best to make some of these (fingers crossed!) Thanks for sharing !!