Chores & Goodies


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Life has been busy and I’ve only been on U.S. soil for about 12 hours!  I’ve gotten plenty of chores done and crossed off my list which has been nice.

I went to the grocery store last night at midnight for some produce.  Priorities that just couldnt’t wait til the morning!

Even though I ate tons of watermelon in Aruba, I hadn’t gotten my fill and “personal watermelons (love that term) were on sale for $2.99 and were so cute that I bought one.

watermelon slices

And of course an assortment of other fruits and veggies.

banana bunch

red tomatoes

red apples

And I dug into a salad.

salad with snap peas, cucumbers, cabbage, and carrots

With homemade Vegan Slaw Dressing

Vegan slaw dressing in jarOh, how I missed it.

And I made a batch of Peanut Sauce Baked Tofu

Peanut Sauce Baked Tofu

I missed simple salads and tofu from the Comforts of Home in San Diego.  They tasted great!

I also owed a very special lady some Raw Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls

Raw Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls in tupperware

So I made a batch.

Raw Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls

And I mailed them off to Canada.

Raw Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls She was the high bidder in the bake sale auction I donated for, and many thanks to her and her contribution.  I was flattered by her generosity, and I’m sure Tina and Tina’s charity appreciate her generosity as well.

While I was at the post office, I picked up the 2.5 weeks worth of mail they were holding for me.

box of US postal service mailThis was just some of it.

Now if you’ll excuse me, there’s laundry to fold.

Laundry machines

And mail to sort…

From my last post, Rock the Boat, I’m glad you enjoyed our boat ride pictures.  Skylar sure enjoyed the ride.  It was brief and no one got seasick but sounds like from the comments on the last post, many of you have been seasickI feel your pain!

But, many of you also sound like you do love cruises or would like to take one.


1. Weekend plans?

I am working.  Someone needs to pay for that vacation we took. And am getting back into the groove of life and hopefully will spend some time outdoors but I have to say, 69F and no humidity feels cold compared to 90F and 90% humidity.  Yes, majorly spoiled while in Aruba and I do love it hot, hot, hot!

2. What chore do you love crossing off your to-do list, in general?

For me, grocery shopping and having a well-stocked fridge is a great task to be done with and I literally get to reap the fruits of my labor.

Laundry, unpacking suitcases, and mail sorting aren’t my faves but once they are done, I’m lovin’ it.

One chore I hate doing and procrastinate about is vacuuming!  Or making phone calls where I know I will have to sit on hold forever.  I don’t even want to pick up the phone for those.

3. Any goodies in the mail for you recently? Or any goodies at all in your life lately?

My entire vacation was a big goodie.

Recap post to come soon.

And I received quite a few items in the mail while I was traveling so I hope you’re up for some product reviews the next week or so.

Enjoy your weekend!

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.


  1. I plan on doing a whole lot of nothin’. Well, I have a party tonight so I guess that’s not entirely true.. ;)

    Enjoy your weekend!!

  2. I got my wonderful first order from iherb the other day, and now I’m waiting for a package from Amazon. In case you didn’t know, you can buy a wide variety of kitchen items from Amazon. Besides a book and an ink cartridge, I’m getting a set of these:
    I have one tray like this, and it’s fantastic for making small, shaped coconut candies. (And if you put a single chocolate chip in each compartment before the rest of the mix, they look like nipples!)

    1. “In case you didn’t know, you can buy a wide variety of kitchen items from Amazon. “–

      THat’s not a news flash to either me. Or my American Express card :)

      Love the link!

  3. I ran to the grocery store literally on our way home from the airport coming home from Ireland recently. THe thought of waking up for breakfast with no bananas or milk was too horrible! haha
    My favorite chore to get done is grocery shopping. There’s nothing better than a stocked fridge :)

  4. Today is going to be spent on the road heading home. Tomorrow going to have to play catch up with chores and groceries. Sigh.

  5. I love that you get Foodzie boxes! They’re always full of interesting things. Your pictures from Aruba looked amazing. So jealous!

  6. Gosh that watermelon looks so juicy!

    It is both of my parents birthdays this weekend, so have some shopping to do, baking to do, and celebrating to do!

  7. I can’t believe you went grocery shopping at midnight. Guess at least it wouldn’t be busy? My neck of the woods in Australia has quite ventured there yet.

    As for weekend chores, getting the beds washed is my thing along with every other piece of item that needs washing. Such a chore!
    I can’t believe that you did all this after your vacation.

    Loving your blog.

  8. Looks like you’re getting back into everything — I really enjoy coming home from a vacation and getting stuff done: get laundry started, change the sheets (I love coming home and getting into a fresh bed!), pick up groceries, etc.

    Weekend plans — another wedding to attend tonight!

    There are lots of chores I like — but getting the dishes done somehow really helps me feel like I accomplished tons!

    I have gotten tons of goodies — I’ve won a few giveaways which is always fun!

  9. I hardly get thta much done in 12 days, let alone 12 HOURS and after a vacation!

    My weekend plans include boyfriend breakfast, meeting mom to steal her old couches for my new apartment, race packet pickup, and my first half marathon!!

    My favorite productive activity is going grocery shopping and getting my cooking done for the week. As a student, I’ve found the easiest thing to do is cook and divide meals into portions in Tupperware in the fridge so I can grab and go.

    I hateeee sweeping/dusting. But my roommate and I did it all last night and it felt good to have a sparkling clean home!

  10. nice work getting caught up, averie!
    one year, i had the car service stop at the 24 hour grocery on the way back from the airport after our aruba trip for produce/groceries…it was after midnight – yes, priorities!
    we had one day this week where it felt like aruba temps and sunshine…that’s quite rare, though.
    have a great weekend, hope you get some chillout time with scott and skylar!

  11. I have this weekend off work (YAY!!). I plan on spending some quality time with myself… meditating, biking, cooking, and visiting my family. I just want to relax and enjoy the weekend.

    Oh, and sleep in. I will definitely be sleeping a lot.

    I recently received some new clothing purchases in the mail, which always makes me happy. I purchased some skirts for summer!

  12. I have some GF cookies coming up in the mail – too expensive, but I just can’t find any in the shops, and a girl needs a little sweets :-)

  13. Wow you’ve been busy! :-D Chores? I try to get some done during the week so I won’t have to spend the whole weekend cleaning, washing, ironing, etc.

  14. Way to go girl! It’s always a great feeling to cross stuff off on the never ending to-do list.
    Weekend plans? My LONG run tomorrow (8-10 miles)… looking forward to it but also dreading it lol

  15. All that in just 12 hours?! I’m beat when I get back from traveling and it usually takes me a day to get back into the swing of things. I was laughing when I read this – “I went to the grocery store last night at midnight for some produce. Priorities that just couldnt’t wait til the morning! ” I’m the same way when I travel. The first thing I do when I get where I’m going is run out and get fruit, veggies and yogurt; my staples.

  16. Weekend is over for us here in Saudi, so it’s back to work. I just got invited to go to Cambodia all expenses paid (thanks Dutch government!) to work with grassroots and parliamentary advocacy groups. Only problem? Grad school. Life does not have the best timing, does it? So, I’ll be spending the next few days trying to figure out if I should go or not.

    Okay, what in the world is a personal watermelon????

    1. a personal watermelon is a fancy name for a mini watermelon :) It’s about the size of a cantaloupe. It wasnt as good as a full size one (but it could have just been a dud).

      Go to Cambodia…trip of a lifetime…omg, if you can swing it, of course!