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I love a good sale.  I mean, who doesn’t.  When I was at the grocery store over the weekend I saw one, lone, seasonal bottle of Peppermint Mocha Coffe-Mate Creamer on sale for 79 cents and, on a whim, tossed it into my cart.

Peppermint Mocha Coffee-Mate Creamer

When I got home and used it, I am kicking myself I didn’t load up on this stuff while the gettin’ was good.

I use French Vanilla Coffee-Mate like it’s going out of style and I’m very loyal to it.  I like a little coffee with my creamer if you know what I mean.

French Vanilla Coffee-Mate

Many times when I try other flavors, I am not all that impressed.

They’re either too fake tasting (some fake is okay of course) and taste nothing like the real thing (Hazelnut or Irish Cream), too intense and overpowering (seasonal Pumpkin Spice or anything with Cinnamon in it), or too boring (Creme Brulee) and at  the usual price of $4.79 each, I’ve learned to just stick with my beloved French Vanilla.

But this Peppermint Mocha is one I will definitely be snatching up next holiday season because although it’s minty, it does not taste like I am drinking a bottle of Listerine, which is always good when it comes to flavored creamers.

Peppermint Mocha Coffee-Mate creamer

I hate it when mint overpowers things and with mint, that’s easy to do.

The first time I made Creme de Menthe Bars (No-Bake, Vegan, GF) I learned that with mint, a little dab will do ya, and add slowly because you can’t un-do mint.

Creme de Menthe Bars

I’ve had just a couple itty bitty teeny tiny cups of (new) coffee over the weekend in the new coffee maker.  Best $25 bucks I’ve spent in awhile.

Open can of Cafe La Llave coffee

Tiny cups of coffee are so wonderful.  Or something like that.

Small cup of coffee

Gotta love the Big 20 ouncer.  I drink coffee at home in my go-cup because it’s a huge vessel and with coffee, the more, the merrier.

I drank hot coffee and enjoyed the 79F golden weather we had in San Diego all weekend.

Blue Sky and Palm Trees

It was picture perfect.

Not a cloud in the sky, no humidity, no bugs, no clouds, just 75 to 79F and sunny all weekend and today is shaping up to be the same.

Yellow Flower

However, I played nursemaid to a sick little girl all weekend and we didn’t get to spend very much time outside.  New school, new kids, new germs, but she’s on the mend.

I didn’t get any much sleep, thus the coffee.

Small cup of coffee

And there may have been a couple Ritz Cracker Stuffed Peanut Butter Cups (No Bake) involved, too.

Ritz Cracker Stuffed Peanut Butter Cups

The winner of the $50 Spa Gift Card & Tropicana Giveaway is:

Victoria @ The Pursuit of Hippieness

Do you use coffee creamer?  Any favorites?

I do like a little coffee with my creamer.  The creamier the better is my approach.

I prefer the Coffee-Mate line to the International Delight brand of creamers.

I’ve tried So Delicious Coconut milk creamers.  They’re fine but I prefer the highly processed ones to more natural coconut-based creamers, and the same can be said for Silk’s soy-based creamers.  They just don’t give me that ahhh feeling if I’m being perfectly honest.

But guessing from the fact that there are about 20 flavors at any given time with a constant rotation of seasonal flavors, and multiple different mainstream brands doing this; and sticker prices in the nearly $5 dollar range per quart (dictated by supply and demand), I know I’m not alone in loving my flavored creamers.  What are your faves?

How was your weekend?  What was the best thing you did or ate?

I’ve got to get to the oven and get this out before I have a burnt mess because it’s probably going to be one of the Best Of’s that I ate…

Mango White Chocolate Cookie Dough

Have a great week!

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  1. You’re killing me with these recipes, girl! I’m just ending up another sugar-free month. (Lost the holiday pounds, yay!)

    1. Congrats on the holiday pounds and sweet potatoes are healthy, ya know…and so is Coffeemate :)

      Not sure which post you meant to be commenting on but yeah I know, nothing like a few “light” recipes from me. Ahem.

  2. I learned a little dab will do you when a drop of the vanilla Stevia drops fell on my hand. I thought nothing of licking it off and realized that was waaaay too sweet. Some things are best mixed into others, not by themselves! lol

  3. I sometimes use eggnog in my coffee – pretty tasty.

    This weekend we celebrated my mom’s bday and used our new raclette. It is AWESOME if you have a group of friends or family over. Everyone gets to make their own creations and you all get to hang out, talk and drink wine for hours while you eat!

  4. If they ever get the casein out of coffeemate I WILL BE SO FREAKING HAPPY. I will have like 3-5 flavors in my house at all time (instead of the 1 hazelnut for the husband).

  5. I vote peppermint all year round…! I am pretty boring with my coffee though; I like it unsweetened with just a splash of nonfat milk. Your post might just make me seek out some peppermint mocha creamer though….I foresee a very addicting habit ahead.

  6. being lactose intolerant a,ternate creamers come in handy when I don’t want black. My friend treated me to Silk soy coffee creamer just before Christmas. It frothed reasonably well and tasted quite good. I do use powdered creamer to make my cappuccino mix with decaf instant coffee. Most of the mixes are too sweet and rarely decaffinated.