Food Or Other Things, Big Ticket Items


This post may contain affiliate links.

Housekeeping detail that I am so proud to announce: All Links have been restored and the pathways are correct!  No more Page Not Found errors!

So if you were desperate for a recipe in the past 48 hours (I got quite  few panicky emails from people in dire need of recipes), or had Yoga FAQs, or wanted to see some Popular Posts or Workouts, everything has been restored.  Ahhh. You don’t even know how happy this makes me.  Thank you, Dustin and Jenn!  I bow down to them and kiss their feet.   They are The Best!

Remember when I reorganized my pantry?

Well the things I totally forgot I had gifts just keep coming.  Like these Brad’s Raw Chips.

Brad's Raw Chips

Hidden treasures like an un-worn Bebe Shirt and MAC makeup galore probably excite me more than chips, but hey, it’s always exciting to find things I forgot about.

These are tasty and if you like Cheeze-I’s or Doritos, you could maybe pretend you’re eating one of those with these.  Not really, but ya know, I’m trying to find the silver gluten-free lining because I loved both Cheeze-Its and Doritos when I was growing up.

Brad's Raw Chips

Brad's Raw Chips
Brad's Raw Chips

I can definitely taste the garlic and scallions in them.  For me, that’s not great because I am not a fan of garlic and onions.  But if you’re looking for a GF Vegan cracker or chip, other than say a Mary’s Cracker, these are good.  They are far lighter and less dense than a Mary’s, too.

Brad's Raw Chips


Or just make your own crackers….

Vegan GF Crackers

Vegan GF Crackers
Vegan GF Crackers
Vegan GF Crackers i.e. Homemade Mary’s Crackers!
Or, if chips are your thing…
Raw Vegan Kale Chips
Raw Vegan Kale Chips
And if you like Cheeze-It’s or Doritos, you’ll probably like…
"Spicy Doritos" Cheezy Dip
"Spicy Doritos" Cheezy Dip

From my Sights Around Here post…


and Being Silent, or not. Many of you said you struggle with being silent.  And that you explain yourself and talk in circles many times when really, you wish you could just have more golden silence moments.

And being pyschic, as I mentioned, I am and some of you said you are too.  Cool, maybe we can get together and have a premonition that I’m going to win the lottery.

Dessert: Vegan GF Peanut Butter Caramel Chocolate Chip Cookies with Peanut Flour

Hand holding one egan GF Peanut Butter Caramel Chocolate Chip Cookie with Peanut Flour
I love the semi-translucent parts.  That’s where the Peanut Flour + Butter + Sugar turned into a mouthgasmic experience.
Backside of egan GF Peanut Butter Caramel Chocolate Chip Cookie with Peanut Flour
Close up of hand holding one egan GF Peanut Butter Caramel Chocolate Chip Cookie with Peanut Flour


1. How’s your week been going?  Anything new or exciting?

To say my life has been full,  and full of “new and exiting things” is an understatement of epic proportions.

The Blog Move and all the behind the scenes glitches that have come with it but that are mostly done.  It’s totally worth it for me to have moved.  I love blogging from Wordpress, I love my new blog, all of you seem happier with the page load times and layout, but just getting to this point has been “new and exciting”.   Like a new glitch around every corner. Remember that Wine & Whine Post.  Yeah.

And work has been really busy for me.

Of course, family life and being a mother, wife, head chef, lead dishwasher, and the best toilet bowl scrubber around keeps things “exciting”!

Seriously though, it’s all good.  I’d rather have my life be full of exciting things and stay busy.

2. What would you be more excited to find: Food or Other Things?
It kind of depends on the food for me.  I would be more excited to find cookies than I would be to find my old CD collection from 2005.

But I’d be more excited to find $10 bucks stashed in the pocket of jeans or a MAC lip gloss I forgot about I than I would be to find a bag of chips in the back of the cupboard.  Just being honest.

Would you be more excited to find food or something else?  Or would it be a case-by-case basis?

3. When it comes to gifts or shopping for yourself, do you prefer to buy one big really awesome thing, or many smaller (less expensive) things?

Hard call because sometimes that one really big item is totally worth it.

But other times I think, well would I really use, say a Kitchen Aid Stand mixer enough to justify buying one?

Or, would I rather have 10 other smaller things like new coffee mugs, a new shirt from F21, restock my ‘good’ shampoo and conditioner, etc.  Because I could buy a lot of little things for the same price.

But in the end, I would probably remember the Stand Mixer and the other things would be forgotten about.

Are you of the One Big Ticket Item or the Spread it Around mentality?

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.


  1. I would say i’m more of a spread it around person than a big ticket item. I am sucha scrooge with my money that i am sure i would have such a difficult time letting go of a big chunk of that for a big ticket item. hmmm and i think i would get more excited about finding deals on other things like clothing or yoga accessories etc. than food. altho i definitely get excited with frugal food finds. but other things tend to last longer and thats probably why i get more excited for them. cool questions. hope your day is starting off mighty fabulous my dear. miss talkin to ya. XOXO <3

  2. I have the hardest time spending more than $50 at one time on myself. And I never buy big ticket items. I usually buy cookbooks and makeup and clothes–the little things that add up.
    P.S. My new camera arrives tonight via my parents!! I’m so excited. :-)

  3. Hey Lady!

    My week has been busy. New things? Well, they’re food related:

    – cooked whipped banana steel cut oats for the 2 of us for breakfast and they were a hit (Hubby’s never had them before)
    – cooked a whole chicken in the slow cooker and it turned out very well and made for an easy, work night meal
    – wearing a new skirt (paid $13 for it instead of its regular price of… $75!!) for the first time :-D

    Honestly, I’d be more excited to find something other than food (clothing, money, a stuffed animal, photos). We’re really good with our food purchases, so there’s not much chance of forgetting about food and discovering it later (I don’t receive food promos). :-)

    Shopping habits: If it’s a big awesome thing, it’s planned and budgeted for before it’s purchased. I’m not much of an impulse buyer.

    have a great thursday!


  4. I’m glad all of your links work again :) What a headache, but it seems like everything is back to 100%, right?

    My week is going good — so glad tomorrow is Friday! Jason and I are going out of town and I can’t wait to just relax and enjoy the time!

    I definitely like to find non food things — like finding all of those old cards and letters I have gotten from Jason over the years — or even notes from friends in high school. I love to reminisce!

  5. mm those crackers do look good but I would MUCH rather have your homemade ones and your kale chips!!!! I am dying to make them to look like yours (sadly with no dehydrator)

    I think I may be more excited to find things? i was cleaing the other day and found some things in my house that I havent seen in YEARS! old clothing that I loved, some pictures, I sat around for an hour looking and reminiscing! I can get and find food anytime, but memories and things like that don’t come along too often!

  6. Ha, I rarely find food that I’ve forgotten about…but I get SUPER excited when I find an old lipgloss in my winter coat pockets!

  7. Score on those chips. They look fantastic. I wish I had some to go with my salad for lunch now ;-) It depends on the gifts. Sometimes I prefer to do more of a gift bag/basket based on a theme. I feel like I can get the person more things that way. Like for my sis for Christmas, she got a wine themed bag with wine tools, gift card for some fancy glasses (as they were out when I went to get them) and wine.

  8. :mrgreen: So happy that everything is finally done with the move!!

    Brad’s crackers look awesome. I actually like garlic and onion!

  9. I like buying a bunch of little things-makes you feel like you accomplished more:) BUT if it’s a big thing that you’ve been dying for-i’m ok with that, haha.
    I looooove food shopping, end of story.

  10. I prefer having small things to buy for myself. The more the merrier, right? :) Really it’s just the small stuff that makes me happy!

    As for finding food or other stuff, it depends on what the food is!

  11. Finding things definitely is a case-by-case deal. Cash is usually the best thing to find, followed by lost items…I found my scale in a pile of sheets and blankets last night, and even though I rarely use it, I completely forgot I even had one here. Discovering NEW foods at WF or TJ’s is also awesome, though. I’ll never forget the excitement of discovering coconut butter or new Lara flavors :)

    I like big-ticket items. I’ve said it before, but I have expensive taste…let me loose in a store with no price tags and I’d fall in love with the most pricey item anyway. I like to buy beautiful (or durable) things that will last forever!

  12. yippee! so happy for you that your glitches are now a thing of the past…you must feel so relieved! all looks good from this reader’s standpoint!
    i am more of a small item fan than big-ticket item person…i’ve made too many purchases of expensive items that i then end up regretting…lessons learned!
    i just made my own crackers this week for the first time – so easy! not gluten free or raw, but way better than a triscuit or saltine! i do like mary’s crackers, but you’re right, they’re really dense.
    enjoy that sunshine!