Making Sushi & Veggie Wraps at Home


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Hi Friends!  TGIF!  How’s your day going?  I have errands to run and a repairman coming over to look at the water damage and our ceiling from the rain.  Thankfully it’s not raining today!

In my post the other day about Caribbean Inspired Meals and Recipes, I asked everyone what types of ethic food you like, and also what you’d like to make more of on your own at home.  

One thing I’d like to try my hand at is making sushi at home and reader Beth mentioned that the raw chef Karen Knowler has a good sushi making video (raw vegan sushi) that does not require a rolling mat.  Katie has told me she doesn’t use a mat, either.  And Alisa just posted yesterday about her vegan sushi hand rolls that don’t need a mat, as well as her recipe for brown “sushi rice”

Cute video and really, she’s just making a wrap.  It’s not rocket science.  There is no rice and she just puts the fillings into the nori and rolls it up.  Seems simple enough!

I have made the following 3 wraps using the lay it down and wrap it up method.  No fancy rolling mat required:
1.  Raw Vegan Cabbage Wraps

Raw Vegan Cabbage Wraps


With a filling such as Sweet-n-Nutty Un-Chicky Salad if you want to add a filling.  Or not.
Sweet-n-Nutty Un-Chicky Salad
Close up of Sweet-n-Nutty Un-Chicky Salad


Wrap it up
Hand holding one Raw Vegan Cabbage Wraps

I make about a dozen Cabbage Wraps at a time and store some for later.  They seem to keep very nicely for about 48 hours in the fridge.

Raw Vegan Cabbage Wraps in clear containerClose up of Raw Vegan Cabbage Wraps

2. Raw Vegan Cucumber Wraps 

Raw Vegan Cucumber Wraps layered in clear container

Or you could swap out the Cucumber wrappers for zucchini wrappers.  Cukes or zukes, doesn’t matter.

I like to dip them in Sweet Hot Mustard & Orange Sauce
Sweet Hot Mustard & Orange Sauce in bowl with whisk
Close up of Sweet Hot Mustard & Orange Sauce
Close up of Raw Vegan Cucumber Wraps

3. Fresh Vegan Spring Rolls and 2-Minute Peanut Sauce 

Lay it Down
Ingredients to make Fresh Vegan Spring Rolls


Wrap Up
Fresh Vegan Spring Roll
Rolled up Fresh Vegan Spring Roll


And Repeat x 3
Fresh Vegan Spring Rolls in clear container

Dip with 2 Minute Peanut Sauce 

Ingredients to make 2-Minute Peanut Sauce 


Whisk to Combine
Whisk in jar with peanut sauce
2-Minute Peanut Sauce overhead in jar


Fresh Vegan Spring Roll dipped in Peanut Sauce
Close up of dipped Spring Roll

So that’s how I Wrap.

From my picture filled post yesterday with the sights I saw on my neighborhood walk, thanks for the compliments on the pictures.  Playing with my new camera is so fun!

Tarnished silver statue
Pink flowers
Young girl holding rock
 More Pics Here

1. What foods do you like to wrap up?
I like to wrap up any kind of veggies.  I like rice paper the best because it seems to hold the best but most times sometimes I am too lazy to be bothered with wrapping things and I just eat them as a salad in a bowl, topped with a nut pate and the sauce drizzled over.

2. Have you ever made sushi at home?  Or any other types of wraps that are veggie-based?
I think adding in the rice + nori sheets is where my brains says, ok that’s “sushi” and everything else is just a wrap.

I want to try to make “sushi”, not just wraps.

I have also heard that sushi rice is quite an art to perfect, so in addition to the rolling part, I need to learn how to cook sushi rice.

3. For those of you who have made sushi (with rice + nori) at home, should I still get a sushi rolling mat?  Not like they are that expensive but just trying to not buy anything I don’t absolutely need.  

I do notice that the cucumber rolls, the cabbage rolls, and Karen’s version of nori rolls in the video, all seem to fall apart a bit because it’s impossible to get them really “tight”.  So I can imagine that real sushi would be tricky to get really tight so it stays together with the proper tools, i.e. a mat.

With my spring rolls, those stay together very well because the rice paper holds everything in and seals together like “glue”.

4. Weekend plans?
I’m working and also trying to spend some time with the family when I’m not working.  Hopefully the weather stays nice and I can get a nice outdoor walk or run in, too! 

See you later on with a Give Away!

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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