Raw Vegan Cabbage Wraps & 4 Dipping Sauce Recipes


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Hi awesome friends, how’s Wednesday for you?  Are you getting over the Hump?  I want to wish those of you celebrating Passover a lovely holiday,  and I hope that all that matzoh is going down nicely.  And a Happy Early Easter for those of you who are celebrating Easter!  I know some of you said you’re really looking forward to Lent being over so you can get your sweet tooth groove going again! 

Skylar waves her magic fairy princess wand and wishes everyone a Happy Easter and a Happy Passover! 

Young girl in pink holding princess wand

She’s “half and half“; I was raised Catholic, Scott’s Jewish, but neither of us are practicing organized religion or the faiths we were raised with.  We are more spiritual in our approach to life, rather than a specific religion, and she’s really being raised as a Silly Faced Wand Waving Happy Dancer Kind & Compassionate Soul who we are teaching to be Good and Loving to All! 

Young girl dancing with princess wand
Young girl in pink dancing with princess wand

She’s so sweet and kind that it just melts me.  The Innocence of a Child is so beautiful!

Young girl smiling holding princess wand

I know every parent says that their kid is wonderful, but she kept running back to hug the Easter Bunny this past weekend and is such a little lovey dovey sweetheart.  I’ll stop now but it’s a Mama’s Right to Brag about Your Child!

Young girl standing in front of easter bunny

I’m glad you enjoyed reading Yesterday’s Post with the synopsis of the comments to my Veganism for Compassion Post from the prior day.  Indeed, everyone’s responses were so articulate and well-formed, everyone played nice, and as I said yesterday, I loved learning more about each of your path’s and why you eat the way you eat.  

I also wanted to thank those of you who told me that, in general, you feel a bit judged by your choices in the sphere or in life, but you feel my blog is a safe place to share your path and beliefs.  I have worked hard to make my blog be one of openness and sharing, of non-judgment, and a place where readers are free to express their choices and what they do in their lives.  I am really proud and honored that you feel safe enough to share your thoughts and feelings and experiences here!

Which brings me to sharing pictures and a Progress Tab for my more-than-likely-Fitness Competition and Bikini Shows 

I mentioned yesterday I was contemplating starting a Progress Tab with Pictures and thank you all so much for encouraging me to do so! 

The reason I hesitate is because of the potential for nasty and rude comments, 99% of which are anonymous.  For those of you who think I don’t get nasty comments, oh believe me, I have gotten my share!  People feel it’s approrpriate to ask me deeply personal questions and have also taken cheap shots at me, my lifestyle, my choices, my body and my appearance.  I do not address these people and will not give them the time of day by “responding” to them on my blog and since they are anonymous, I can’t respond to them on private email.  Anyone who finds the time to leave hate mail on someone else’s blog is really just pathetic, insecure, hurting, and is confused about what is appropriate and not, but that’s a whole other saga.

Not to mention the unsolicited “advice givers” I get.  I would not really be looking for advice or a critique of my progress, rather just sharing it.   For instance, when someone shows a picture of their new haircut, they are just sharing it.  They are not looking for you to tell them to make it blonder, part it down the middle, or cut another few inches off.  They are just sharing to share, and that’s what I would be doing.  But I fear that people would want to “armchair quarterback” my progress which is not necessarily constructive criticism, just criticism. 

Those are largely the reasons why I fear posting pictures, but you all may have encouraged me to Just Do ItAs well as practical insights like possibly disabling comments.  So, Stay Tuned Because I may do it….

Today Skylar and I had to run a couple errands, and after my Blogger Meetup yesterday with my Fitness Friend, I was feeling the need to read up on some things.  So I swung by B & N and picked up 3 magazines

Variety of magazines laid on countertop

Don’t Worry, My beloved Yoga Journal that I mentioned in This Post, is not being cast aside for all the reasons I explained

Yoga Journal Magazine
Rather, I am just broadening and expanding my fitness horizons.  
Variety of magazines on countertop

I read Oxygen every now and then and have read Fitness Rx in the past, but this was my first time purchasing Muscle & Fitness Hers.  I hope I learn some things…3 magazines were $18 bucks!  
Sheesh that seems so steep and I will subscribe not pay newsstand prices in the future if I can see myself really liking them!

We came home from our adventures and I fixed Skylar some lunch and I  munched on a few Foods Alive Flax crackers

Foods Alive Original Golden Flax Seed Cracker packageInside Flaxseed Cracker Package

The Original Flavor Flax crackers are a good gluten-free, high fiber, pretty neutral tasting cracker, that I can slather with everything from mustard to peanut butter if I want something crunchy to munch on.  

Hand holding two flaxseed crackersUp close one hand holding one Flax Seed Cracker

The Original Flavor is way more my speed than The Italian Flavor.  

Italian Zest Flax CrackersHand holding one Italian Zest Flax Crackers
 See This Post for my Thoughts on Those.

While I munched Flax, Skylar Munched Pretzles from Newman’s Own Organics that I reviewed in This Post

Newman's Own Pretzel NuggetsInside bag of pretzel nuggets showing pretzels

She liked them, but didn’t seem to be in total “love” with them.  She’s kind of like me and doesn’t really love salt.  I think she’s more of a Chocolate Desserts girl.  Chip off the ‘ole block.

Young girl eating a pretzel nuggetPretzel nuggets inside bag

And then I decided to put the head of cabbage that I bought yesterday to good use and make some Cabbage Wraps.

My local Phoenix Blogger Meetup Buddy Maureen, loves her wraps, too! 

Woman and child sitting on oversized chair
Woman holding baby chewing on carrot

Cabbage is in season now, so it’s inexpensive, tasty, and readily available.   Take the cabbage leaves,  cut a “V” in it to get the thicker core part out

Cabbage leaf cut into v shape with slices of red bell pepper

Lay your Filling In

Cabbage with pepper, carrots and cucumber

I used a mixture of carrots, red peppers, cabbage, cucumber, unpictured sugar snap peas & cauli florets

Chopped up cabbage and carrots

Filling Options:
Other options include sugar snap peas, bean sprouts, peapods, daikon, radishes, diced cauliflower or broccoli, previously cooked rice, sweet potatoes or squash, hummus or other beans, you name it, whatever you have on hand, stuff it in!

Of course feel free to make and fill with a Nut Pate like…

My Sweet-n-Nutty Un-Chicky Salad Recipe
And if you’d like to Try it With Nooch, Check This Post for Recipe Info, too

Sweet-n-Nutty Un-Chicky Salad in clear container
Close up of Sweet-n-Nutty Un-Chicky Salad
Sweet-n-Nutty Un-Chicky Salad on top of salad

…Or Another Nut Pate such as my Sweet & Tangy Chicken-Less Salad

Sweet & Tangy Chicken-Less Salad on romaine leavesThe Nooch that I mentioned in This Post will add a slightly cheeze-infused flavor to the Sweet-n-Tangy Chicken-Less Salad and will complement & balance the slight sweetness of the O.J. & Agave in This Recipe

Close up of Sweet & Tangy Chicken-Less SaladOr Fill Your Wraps with Tofu like my Baked Sesame Ginger Maple Tofu 

Sesame Ginger Maple Tofu in foil lined pan
Close up of Sesame Ginger Maple Tofu in pan
The Tofu Diced & Mixed With In the Wraps would be Awesome!

Then Just roll Up

Cabbage with vegetables rolled upHand holding cabbage with vegetables rolled upOverhead view of rolled up cabbage showing vegetables
They can be a little messy and they don’t make a perfect “seal”, but that’s ok.  

I’m still on the hunt for rice paper wrappers and have forgotten to order some online, and neither WF’s nor my grocery stores stock rice paper wrappers and I haven’t made the trek to an Asian market yet.  So til then, the Cabbage Wraps Worked!

Another Way I like to Wrap my Veggies is in my Raw Vegan Cucumber Wraps 

Raw Vegan Cucumber Wraps in clear container

Or you could swap out the Cucumber for zucchini and wrap those.  Cukes or zukes, doesn’t matter.

 Close up of Raw Vegan Cucumber Wraps in clear container

I made about a dozen Cabbage Wraps and stored some for later.  They seem to keep very nicely for about 48 hours in the fridge.

Cabbage Wraps in clear containerUp close of Cabbage Wraps in clear container

A super simple, fresh, raw wrap with unlimited ways to stuff them!

Overhead of Cabbage Wraps in clear container

And For Dipping Sauces Which Can Make or Break the Wrap.  Lots of Options:
Dipping Sauce #1 Averie’s Sweet Hot Mustard & Orange Sauce
2 Tbsp sweet hot prepared mustard 
2 Tbsp Agave (or Maple, Honey, or Yacon Syrup)
2 Tbsp of OJ 
Whisk to combine
There’s your sauce!
Optional Tweaks: It’s so easy to get creative and add ginger, garlic, onion, cumin, salt & pepper to taste, Flax or Hemp Oil, EVOO… or whatever flavor combos work for you.

Sweet Hot Mustard & Orange Sauce in bowl with whisk
Close up of Sweet Hot Mustard & Orange Sauce

 I know Heather has posted that she ate this Mustard, Beaver Brand Sweet Hot, at every meal yesterday and Katie‘s a fan, too!  I love this mustard and have been buying it for years.  At a little over 2 bucks a bottle, it’s my kind of value!  

You know I love my Mustard, remember this one I purchased yesterday?

Westbrae Natural Stoneground Mustard bottle

Dipping Sauce #2 Vegan Slaw Dressing 

Vegan Slaw Dressing ingredients with dressing in glass jar
Glass Jar full of Vegan Slaw Dressing

Vegan Slaw Dressing works wonderfully because it’s vegan cole slaw dressing paired with cabbage.  A perfect match!

Overhead of Vegan Slaw Dressing in jar
Lidded jar of Homemade Vegan Slaw Dressing

Dipping Sauce #3
My Homemade high Raw Vegan Peanut Sauce!

Homemade High Raw Vegan Peanut Sauce in glass jar
Side view of Homemade High Raw Vegan Peanut Sauce in glass jar
 Everything tastes better with Peanut Sauce!

Dipping Sauce #4
And Nooch makes everything taste better too!  Looking for a Vegan Cheezy Sauce?
Raw Cheddar Dipping Sauce for Veggies or as a Salad Dressing or Dip is Perfect With Veggies!

Raw Cheddar Dipping Sauce

Dessert was Raw Vegan Coconut Oil Chocolate

Hand Holding Raw Vegan Coconut Oil Chocolate
Raw Vegan Coconut Oil Chocolate cut into slices
Diced up Raw Vegan Coconut Oil Chocolate

Yoga Today is Kapotasana (King Pigeon Pose)Please do not try this unless your back is thoroughly warmed up as well as your quads.  Yoga is not a competition and so please don’t force yourself into a pose!  I don’t want you to hurt yourself.  This is a pose to work towards with patience, compassion, and mindfulness for any limitations your body has.  That said, it’s a beautiful pose, your heart opens, love and lightness enter, and peacefulness & calm ensue over me when I am in this asana!


Woman doing Kapotasana (King Pigeon Pose) yoga pose

Tip of the Day:

1. Salty or Sweet?
This is so easy for me: Sweet!  I am sodium-sensitive, and Love Chocolate and Desserts, so Sweet, for sure!

2. Have You Ever Made Raw Wraps?  What’s your fave thing to roll and wrap with?  Collards, Kale Leaves, Rice Paper Wrappers?  Something Else? 

3. Do you practice or follow the religion of your childhood if you were raised with a faith?  Why or Why Not?  Do you believe in the things your childhood faith suggests now that you are an adult?  Or do you only identify with that faith because it’s just “there”, just “habit” or convenient?  Do you fear disassociating yourself from your childhood faith because you fear offending your family members?
For me, as a child, I never really believed or fully accepted all the tenets of Catholicism and as I became an adult, I let it drift away because it just didn’t speak to me or resonate with me.  Nothing “organized” really does.  I take a little Zen Buddhism mixed in with a little Torah and Mix that Up with a little New Testament and a heavy dose of Yoga and Do Unto Others mindset, and that’s what my “Faith” is.  
Tell me about your faith, or lack thereof, and how it’s evolved from what you were raised with. 

Stay Tuned For the Give Away Winner Announcement…
And a really cool review and Give Away Coming Up!  Hint: it has something to do with this type of household home bars products from CSN Stores!   And I can promise you’re gonna love this Give Away…


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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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