Raw Bakery Treats, Zucchini Noodles & Peanut Sauce, Chocolate Snowballs


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How are you doing today bloggie friends?  I am doing great and have had a super productive day from lots of raw dessert making escapades to crossing things off my to-do list.  Changing the sheets, going grocery shopping, chopping veggies, changing diapers, and paying bills isn’t exactly glamorous, but at least when you’re done you feel like ahhh, ok, I’ve accomplished something.  I also got in some solo time on my yoga mat and that was great.  On the weekends and on Mondays I go to yoga at a gym or studio but the rest of the week I practice on my own and it’s a nice balance.  I like having 20 minutes on my mat with no agenda, no pressure to keep up with a class and a teacher, and simply going with whatever my body wants or with whatever I feel like I’d like to, well, practice.  That’s why they call it yoga practice, right? 

I am really glad you enjoyed my Mailbox Finds & Product Info Post yesterday.  It’s nice to know that you enjoy these types of posts.   I don’t get too terribly detailed with my reviews, because I just don’t have the time, and because I don’t want to bore you all either!  Yesterday there was everything from Coconut Oil

Nutiva Coconut Oil

to Hemp Products
And thanks for your feedback about hemp products.  Sounds like alot of you have tried it but are kinda….meh. with hemp.  If I find something amazing, I will holla back!   My Friend Bitt gave me her recipe here for Hemp Brownies When I think about sitting around eating hemp brownies I also want to start playing some Grateful Dead, get in my VW Bus, with a cloud of smoke following behind me, ahem! and scents of patchouli wafting through the air.  haha!  Seriously Bitt, thanks for your hemp brownie recipe and I plan to try it! 
Anyone have any other hemp recipes that you love which don’t involve garlic or onions?

Bag of Organic Shelled Hempseed
Organic Hemp Oil

to Raw Vegan Haircare
Lots of ladies want feedback on this so when I get around to using it, I will report back.  In the past, “natural” shampoos never really leave my hair feeling clean.  It takes the SLS (sodium laurel sulfates) chemical cocktail found in traditional shampoos to really strip the grime off my hair.  What can I say, I like how the chemicals work for me in beauty products. 

I am also on a 10 year quest to get off Lancome’s Mousse Eclat foaming face cleanser, but still haven’t found something that’s: affordable AND doesn’t break me out.  Suggestions welcome!

Detox Hair and Scalp Therapy Samples

But products aside, I loved hearing your dating disaster stories!!!!  Ohmygod, classic!  Loved them all!  And if you didn’t have a chance to chime in yesterday with your disaster story, chime in now or over here.  Keep the good stories comin’!!!  haha!   My dating past was riddled with some Creepy McCreeperton’s and Scary Larry’s.  Suffice to say, there were plenty of moments where I was high tailing it across parking lots, like my life depended on it, in 4 inch stilettos in an effort to not have to endure another creepy moment with random dates I was on.  As I alluded to yesterday, thank god I got married young because the dating world is rough out tthere!

I know I said that it was a postal holiday on Monday so you’d be safe on Tuesday from a long-winded Products Finds kind of post…well, it wasn’t a UPS holiday and look what I received!

The Twins, Lori and Michelle, of Twin Cakes Bakery (and their blog is Pure2Raw) were gracious and extremely generous and sent me a huge sampling of their products!

Raw Flatbreads  

Raw Flatbreads on top of one another
Package of Onion Free Spinach FlatbreadPackage of Sunflower Cheez FlatbreadPackages of Collard Green and Pumpkin Kale Chia Flatbreads
Package of Kale Hemp Flatbread

Raw Crackers

Various Packages of Raw Crackers
Up close of one package of raw crackers
Side of package of Raw Crackers Raw Crackers in ziptop bag
Close up of Raw Crackers in packaging

Raw Snack Bites which are My Personal Favorites!

Three containers of Raw Snack Bites

Vanilla Kremes

Container of Vanilla Kremes snack bites

Cocoa Kremes

Container of Cocoa Kremes Snack Bites

And something I have been coveting for months now…their Brownie Bites And they are every bit as fudgy, chocolatey, and delicious as I had envisioned!

Container of Brownie Bites

Their Brownie Bites remind me a little bit of my own 5 Minute Recipe for Raw Vegan Chocolate Donut Holes

Overhead of Raw Vegan Chocolate Donut Holes on white plate
 Close up of Raw Vegan Chocolate Donut Holes

Lori & Michelle Support themselves with their bakery and if you have the occassion to support their business, either for your every day eats or for a special occasion, I highly recommend their products!

Twin Cakes Bakery Thank You Card

Everything The Twins make is raw, vegan, free from gluten, wheat, peanuts, egg, dairy, soy, corn, potato, and yeast.  And yes, it tastes amazing.  Just because it’s “free from” many things, one thing it’s not free from is taste!  If you’re curious about their story, you can read Part 1 Here and Part 2 Here.

I haven’t sampled everything I received, I’m trying to make it last!  And I gave Scott some nibbles of things, too.  I am not a huge fan of onions or garlic and am enjoying their onion-free flatbreads, and of course the sweet treatsScott, has enjoyed some of their products too.  For some of our partners or friends and family, it’s necessary to remind them that this food is not going to taste like Fritos.  Eating raw, vegan food can be a bit of an acquired taste, and I love how Lori & Michelle are making awesome eats and trying to bring this kind of food to the masses through their online bakery!

Pure2Raw Product Care Information Card

Here is their info: twins@twinscakesbakery.com

Twin Cakes Bakery email address

I cannot thank these awesome ladies enough!  Their blog is Pure2Raw and they also were kind enough to do a guest post here on my blog when I was in Aruba over the Holidays: One Pot Gluten Free Vegan Mac-N-CheeseThat’ll keep you warm in your tummy!

Moving Along…
I told you I was busy in the kitchen, being super productive…

I made a Fresh Batch of high Raw Vegan Chocolate Coconut Snowballs
Coconut, Coconut Oil, Cocoa Powder, Maple, Vanilla
Ingredients for Raw Vegan Chocolate Coconut Snowballs in bowl
Stir (no food processor necessary, just a bowl and a spoon!)
Ingredients being stirred in bowl
Portion into bowls or freeze the batch in one large container
Raw Vegan Chocolate Coconut Snowballs in four bowls
And Eat!
Raw Vegan Chocolate Coconut Snowballs in white dish
Overhead of Raw Vegan Chocolate Coconut Snowballs in white dish
Click for detailed recipe info for the Raw Vegan Chocolate Coconut Snowballs

Dinner involved spiralized Zuke Noodles

Spiralized Zucchini Noodles in Clear Container

For spiralizer info and what I have, where to buy it (the best $29.99 you’ll ever spend!) check out this post)

Close up of Spiralized Noodles

To the noodles I added the Vegan Soy-Free Peanut Sauce I made Here

Vegan Soy-Free Peanut Sauce in jar
Side of jar filled with Vegan Soy-Free Peanut Sauce

Diced & added some other veggies: cukes, red peppers, tomatoes, carrots, sugar snap peas, asparagus..use whatever you have in your veggie drawer.

Spiralized noodles with vegetables topped with Peanut Sauce
Up close of Spiralized Noodles with vegetables in Peanut Sauce
Peanut Sauce over Noodles and Vegetables

And voila, an awesome dinner! 

Noodles with Peanut Sauce and Vegetables

Scott says that he would never know this wasn’t “real pasta” after I tossed his whole plate together and micro it for 45 seconds, just to take the chill off.  That’s high praise coming from Mr. Meat & Potatoes 10 Years Ago!  For anyone who thinks that their significant other, family members, or even you, could never or would never eat high raw vegan food and enjoy it, there’s always the possibility that if you try it, you’ll love it!

Another Greenery Bowl:  Mixed Field Greens, Cukes, Tomatoes, Asparagus, Brussels, Sugar Snap Peas

Green salad with Mixed Vegetables
Close up of Green Salad and Vegetables
Brussles & Baby Chard
Close up of Brussel Sprout and Swiss chard
And Sugar Snap Peas
Close up of Sugar Snap Pea
And Asparagus & Vegan Slaw Dressing
Overhead of Vegan Slaw Dressing in jar
Lidded jar of Vegan Slaw Dressing
Salad topped with Slaw Dressing

Dessert was a  Raw Vegan Chocolate Coconut Snowball for Scott

Bowl full of Raw Vegan Chocolate Coconut Snowball

And No Bake Vegan Rum Cake Balls for me

Stacked No Bake Vegan Rum Cake Balls

You can Never Have Too Many Rum Balls!  

Close up of No Bake Vegan Rum Cake Balls

And, If you want to See All My Balls, this is the Master Balls & Holes Compilation Post.

Yoga Today is FloatingI told you I just wing it some days, whatever I feel like practicing, I just do it!

Woman doing Floating yoga position

Skylar Today: Happy (she’s happy most days though, and I am truly blessed to have such a little joyous person in my life!)

Young girl in blue shirt in kitchen smilingYoung girl grasping hands in kitchen
I wish you could hear her belly laughs as I was snapping this one!
Young girl leaning forward smiling in kitchen

Tip of the Day:  
1. A Trader Joe’s Chocolate Chip Bar Recall!

2.Streamline and Tidy Up!  Many of us set New Year’s Resolutions (I do not, and explained here that I do set New Year’s Intentions; because an intention cannot be “broken” whereas a resolution can be) but now that we’re 6+ weeks into the New Year, step back and reflect upon that which you intended to change.   
How are you doing with things?  Have you started?  Have you made the Changes?  Are You On Track with Things? Or have you totally fallen off the wagon, or never really got going in the first place? 

Well, where ever you’re at, doing things like: 
Cleaning your desk or workspace because a tidy desk equals a tidy mind!

Reorganizing your office or area of your house where you spend alot of time because it will allow for a more efficient flow and groove.
Empty your car and wash it because it’s just so much nicer to drive around in a clean, organized car.
Many people have suggested that by tidying up some of this environmental “stuff”, we are making way for brighter and better things to come into our life.  As a side benefit, your diet may also clean up when your external world and clutter cleans up, too!

In my post I mentioned that 10 years ago when I met Scott, he was Mr. Meat & Potatoes, but by leading by example, cooking in new, different, and healthful ways, and making the food taste great, I have helped not only myself stay on a high raw vegan path but also have helped him make more plant-based food choices.  Do your partners, friends, family, parents, eat like you do?  If they don’t, do you try to “convert” them?  I never overtly try to convert; rather I simply do what I do, I love it, and if people see the joy I have from eating this way, then maybe they’ll be interested enough to give it a try!  What’s your take on others in your life who may not “get it” when it comes to your “unique” food choices? 

Are you organized and clutter-free?  Or, are you more prone to piles of this and that laying around and being less-than-streamlined? 
I am totally, completely, an organized neat freak.  I admit it!  I cannot think straight unless things are clean, neat, and tidy.  I’m not obsessive or anything, but I am just a neat person.  My sister, on the other hand, is totally messy and chaotic, which makes me think that certain traits like this are genetic but that’s a whole other topic!  
Are you neat or messy?  If you’re messy, do you wish you were neater or more organized or do you embrace your inner randomness?  haha!  Any tips from your messy-to-neat people?  I’d love to hear them & pass them along!

And the food recall that I just mentioned from TJ’s…Do you think our food supply is safe in the USA?  I do not, at all!  Salmonella and e.coli outbreaks everywhere, GMO’ed food, you name it, not exactly safe.  Does this worry you?  Or just carry on in blissful ignorance because you feel like there’s nothing you can really do about it?  Thoughts please!

Stay Tuned For an Overnight Protein Oats Recipe and Vegan Energy Bars…


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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.


  1. love that I can see your daughter peeking from the stairs in your yoga photo! so precious!!
    Ive pinned a number of your recipes and am thrilled to see so many raw vegan goodies… thank you!!