Thursday Things on Friday


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Here are this week’s Thursday Things (on Friday). Running a day later this week due to the holiday:

1. Bethenny Frankel has my chocolate chip cookie dough balls (no-bake, vegan, GF) pinned on her dessert board

To say that I’m extremely ecstatic about this is accurate.

Bethenny Frankel Pinterest Page

I’m a huge Bethenny fan and feel like I “know” her after watching her on reality tv over the years. And she “knows” me via my cookie dough balls. Sure.

A few days later she pinned my Peanut Sauce Baked Tofu on her Vegan/Vegetarian board. Peanut Sauce Tofu is one of my favorite ways to eat tofu. Then again, anything in peanut sauce usually scores with me and I was glad Bethenny liked it. I wonder if she really does her own pinning or if her assistants do it?

Pins of Food on Bethenny Frankel's Vegan/Vegetarian Board

2. This is so me

Apricot Chile Hot Sauce

Apricot Chile Hot Sauce bottles

From Hot Pepper Jelly to Apricot Cookies, I love the flavors going on in that sauce.

Apricot Cookies

3. I’d love to take one of these baking classes at Sur La Table

Their Cooking Classes FAQ does not address price but I’m sure the classes aren’t exactly cheap but I bet really informative and fun.

August Amazing Cake Pops Class blurb

4. 25 Wasteful Things You Can Probably Get Along Without

Such as Electric Can Openers – Use your muscles


and plastic cutlery- use the metal stuff


However, they also suggest that facial tissues (use handkerchiefs instead) and tin foil are wasteful.

I am all about saving the planet, but I love Kleenex. One.time.usage.item.

And I line all my baking pans with aluminum foil.

Recipes like Creamy Mixed Berry White Chocolate Crumble Bars are far too ooey and gooey to attempt without foil.

Creamy Mixed Berry White Chocolate Crumble Bars in pan

Why worry about dishes and elbow grease or having a dessert ruined because you have to butcher it to get it out of the pan when a simple sheet of foil will save so much hassle?

Creamy Mixed Berry White Chocolate Crumble Bars stacked

5. Never in a million years would I have thought that I’d be subscribing to Bon Appetit or Saveur magazines, but I am now.

And to think Cosmo, W, and Vogue used to my rags of choice. Now, it’s all about braised pork belly and locally-grown squash blossom risotto. Who am I?

Bon Appétit Magazine Cover 60 Summer Recipes


Magazines are better for my attention span and time constraints. When you have a 5 year old, you just don’t sit down with 300 page novels and curl up on the couch. You’re lucky to read a 3 minute article because you’re too busy running alongside her bike.

Saveur Magazine Cover Roast Pork, Fresh Pastas, And 7 More Recipes from america's best food carts

6. The Fourth of July falling on a Wednesday left me feeling like Thursday was Saturday and like Friday should be Sunday. Why oh why couldn’t the weekend have just started on Thursday?

My days are all goofed up and I kept hitting snooze on my alarm on Thursday morning because in my sleepy state, I though it was Saturday. And then my Thursday started in an over-adrenalized, scrambling, massively late way that comes with oversleeping. Fun times.

7. 50 Simply Ways to Build Your Platform in 5 Minutes Per Day – Nice list for bloggers, writers, small business owners, or entrepreneurs.

Figuring out who you are and what your message is, who your audience is, and are you saying or promoting your message (or brand, service, item, or business) to the best of your ability is important in any type of endeavor from small business ownership to blogging.

8. Food & Wine interview with Khloe Kardashian, Cooking with Khloe Kardashian Odom

Lamar apparently wants her to cook like it’s Thanksgiving every day and his favorite meal is a sweet potato soufflé and a green bean dish with smoked turkey legs. I whip that up every Monday for an easy weeknight dinner, for sure.

Khloe Kardashian in rhinestone dress headshot

9. This Peacocks and Trees Tapestry from Urban Outfitters. The price is right, $39 bucks.

Now if only I had a spare wall to put up a super vibrant print with life-sized trees and peacocks and not have my house look like I decorated it while on an acid trip.

Peacocks and Trees Tapestry behind chair and table

10. Thanks for the Magimix by Robot-Coupe Food Processor and Juice Extractor Giveaway entries. Wow!

Magimix by Robot-Coupe Food Processor and Juice Extractor

What are your Thursday Things?

Feel free to link up anything fabulous that you’ve seen, done, bought, made, or tell me about how you celebrated the Fourth.

Do you subscribe to magazines? Any favorites?

I used to subscribe to a ton: W, Vogue, Elle, Cosmo, and similar.

Fitness-related magazines like Shape, Hers, and Yoga Journal.

Then I had a baby, had no time to read, found blogs and did all my reading online, and let all my magazine subscriptions lapse.

But it’s nice to hold something in my hands, to leaf through it, and since I don’t have time for long books, magazines are perfect. Five minutes is about what I’ve got.

Have a great weekend!

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.


  1. congratulations! having your recipe pinned by bethenny = pretty awesome :)

    I feel like I never read magazines anymore – definitely more of an indulgence these days!

  2. SO damn cool she pinned 2 of your recipes! I adore her and that is just so awesome! Congrats on that!


  3. I get way too many foodie magazines…wait a sec…did I really say that? No such thing as too many magazine:-) I agree, there is always something new to make. How cool is it that someone “famous” pinned your recipe…although I’m not surprised since you make so many awesome goodies!!!

    1. you are so sweet…YOU make so many awesome goodies! I drool every time I go to your site!

  4. I have magazine subscriptions, but I have a hard time myself reading them. Like you, just thumb through them. I get all the info I want from reading blogs.