Raw Vegan Kale Chips


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How’s Hump Day going for you?  I had a nice morning with Skylar because remember yesterday when I mentioned that after trying to assemble and dropping the pink trike on my foot, that I brought it to a bike shop for professional assembly?

Well they called and said the trike was ready!  Lightning fast turn-around time!

Pink Tricycle with tassels and bell

Complete with a Bell and Streamers

Close up of tassels on pink tricycle

Skylar On Her Trike with her Swimsuit On Yesterday Afternoon.  Today the temperature dropped 30 degrees, and it’s windy, cloudy and cold!  Good thing we got some pool time in yesterday because it’s chillllly here again.

Young girl in swim suit riding tricycle
Side view of young girl riding tricycle
She doesn’t fully comprehend the pedaling concept yet.  And in the meantime, my lower back is getting a nice workout pushing her around.

But She’s So Happy About Her Trike and Truly Considers Herself a Big Girl since the purchase of this trike came after full potty learning occurred!

Young girl on tricycle smiling

It’s been a Big Week of Milestones For Her…

A New Trike And Her First Necklace!

Necklace that says Skylar
 Grinning from Ear to Ear!
Young girl smiling and holding necklace around neck

I’m Glad You Enjoyed Yesterday’s New Workout Pictures

Woman wearing workout attire at gym

and Pool Pictures

Young girl in swimsuit and crocs wading in pool
And thanks for your tips about where you buy your dried fruit
Dates with nut butter on top

And I’m glad I re-posted those links about Bulk Bins & Hazards for those of you who hadn’t seen those and that although you are a little skeeved now too, at least you have full disclosure and more information and can decide if you’ll use Bulk Bins, or not, anymore.

Finally, thanks for Chiming in On Sunscreen and if you wear it or not.  I am not here to advocate wearing it or not, that’s everyone’s own choice.  I just shared why I don’t wear it, and enjoyed all the different responses and comments.  Thanks gang!

Today I wanted to talk about more than Yoga Poses, Gym Workouts, and Green Food Pictures…

Green salad with mixed vegetables
 Close up of salad with Vegan Slaw Dressing
Overhead of dressed salad in bowl
There’s Food that mimics the Colors of the Rainbow chock full of antioxidants: Nature’s Sunscreen perhaps?

chocolate chia see pudding!

Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding
Close up of Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding

And with that, we also march to our own drummer when it comes to chips, too!  We don’t do Fritos around here…we do Raw Vegan Kale Chips!

(Note: This Kale Chip Recipe is Also Found in my Nooch Recipes)

Averie’s Raw Vegan Kale Chips Recipe for 1 Bunch of Kale
1 c cashews (soaked for a few hours)
1 Medium Red Pepper
Juice of half a lemon (2 Tbsp)
1/4 c Nooch (Nutritional Yeast) or more if you’re a fan of nooch.  I use 1/3c++
1 Tsp Salt (or to taste)
Optional 1/2 Tsp Agave or 1/2 of a medjool date

Wash the kale & remove tough stalks, de-seed the red pepper, drain off your soaked cashews

Ingredients needed to make Raw Vegan Kale Chips

Put all the Ingredients into a Vita-Mix or Food Processor & Blend everything together

Container of Nutritional Yeast
Nutrition Facts on container of Nutritional yeast
Inside container of Nutritional Yeast
Ingredients for Raw Vegan Kale Chip in blender
Overhead of ingredients in blender
Mixed up sauce for Kale Chips in blender

Apply the coating to the kale

Sauce poured over kale in bowl
Sauce on kale in bowl with spoon

Put on Dehydrator Screens and Dehydrate until done, flipping once after a couple hours.
Or, Bake In a 300F Oven for 20 Minutes, Flipping, and Then Baking Another 10 Minutes or so.
You can also bake in a 200F oven with the door ajar.  It will take longer but the results will be closer to that of a dehydrator.

Mixed up kale on dehydrator trays
Close up of coated Raw Vegan Kale Chip
Overhead of Raw Vegan Kale Chip on dehydrator tray

Watch the Kale Chips very closely because if you think broccoli stench is bad, burnt kale is very naassssty. Everyone’s Oven Temps and Desired Kale Chip Crispiness Level differs, so plan on babysitting your oven for about 45 minutes in total.  But I promise, totally worth it!

Dehydrate (or bake) til Crispy-n-Crunchy

Finished Raw Vegan Kale Chips on dehydrator tray
Side view of one finished Raw Vegan Kale Chip

Look at the cheezy, noochey, cashew-ey goodness just stuck on the kale leaf like price stickers stuck to the bottom of your new dishes.

Hand holding Raw Vegan Kale Chip
They’re like little Trees of Noochey Goodness
Hand holding up large Raw Vegan Kale Chip
Close up of hand holding Raw Vegan Kale Chip
Raw Vegan Kale Chip stacked
Get a load of that vegan cheezy action baked right in!

Store any extras (won’t be a problem!) in a sealed container.

Raw Vegan Kale Chip in clear container

I Love these things….

Raw Vegan Kale Chip on dehydrator tray

…And Skylar begs me for kale chips!

Young girl sitting at table smiling
Young girl sitting at table eating a plate full of Kale Chips
We use cloth napkins, re-usable stainless steel non-BPA sippy cups.

And are a yoga & downward-dog practicing kind of happy family…

Young girl practicing yoga poses

 …who joyfully stuff our faces with kale chips!

Young girl sitting at table smiling with plate full of Kale Chips
Young girl eating a Kale Chip
Yes, 3 Year Olds Can Love Veggies and Thrive on a High Raw Plant-Based Diet!
Plate full of mixed vegetables and fruit with cheese

Our Choices Work for Us: She’s happy, healthy, thriving, and Full of Life!

Young girl eating off plateYoung girl grinning with smile at table

And Given the Opportunity to make her own food choicse, in This Post I mentioned that Skylar had free access to “treats”, some cinnamon sugar coated pretzels, but only chose a few bites.

Young girl looking at cinnamon sugar coated pretzels on countertop
  She seemed to like the 3 pebbles pretzels she chose to have.  But then was done and wanted apple slices.
Young girl eating cinnamon sugar coated pretzels

And in This Post, she Chose Books over Candy

Young girl sitting opening Easter Baskets

I believe that if you give kids choices, and access to things, and don’t squelch their ability to eat intuitively at this tender age, that they will eat “good” foods, by and large.  I mean, who wouldn’t choose a piece of juicy, fresh fruit over a dry packaged cracker or highly processed foods?  Well I guess that’s a silly question because looking at the number of unhealthy people, clearly many people are choosing Twinkies over Raw Veggies.  And I am a fan of Sweets and Desserts, but it’s just one small part of my life; I’d say 95% of my diet is wholesome foods.

For me, healthy food tastes great and it’s easy for me to “choose” the healthy option and Skylar seems to do the same.  I don’t provide Twinkies in the house, but I also don’t shun or “forbid” sugar, fat, or desserts, the kind I make of course which are high raw vegan, and she seems to take a few bites of desserts, but then she’s done.  For More about my Thoughts on Intuitive Eating and if making Healthy Food Choices come Naturally or Easily, Click Here

For us, a high raw, plant-based life is fun and easy.  There are health benefits, and there’s no dogma surrounding it for us.  It’s just what comes easy and naturally!  I also don’t get too hung up on if something is raw or cooked; I care that it is plant-based and in as close to as natural state as possible.  I would rather have cooked vegetables than none at all.

Rather than getting caught up in what you may be missing out on or caring what someone else thinks about your choices, because really it’s You and Your Life, so You Get to be In Charge, I encourage you to make the choices for you and your family that make you feel happiest and most healthful!  That’s what we do!

And always save room for high Raw Vegan Dessert Recipes such as:
Nut Butter Filled Caramel Bites

Nut Butter Filled Caramel Bites

And Raw Vegan Almond Butter Cookie Balls

Three Raw Vegan Almond Butter Cookie Balls on white dish
Close up of one High Raw Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls

And Chocolate Recipes!
Vegan Fudge-10 Minute No-Bake Recipe, Gluten/Soy/Tree-Nut Free

Close up slice of Vegan Fudge with sprinkles

5 Minute & 4 Ingredient Raw Vegan Chocolate Mousse

Close up of Vegan Chocolate Mousse

We Have Alot of Fun Dancing & Playing Dress-Up

Young girl playing dress up
Young girl playing dress up with arms up in air



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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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  1. I just made these…they came out amazing :) the only thing different I did was use roasted peppers because that’s all I had . They’re just as good a store bought, minus the price! Next time even more”nooch” lol yummy. Thanx for the great recipes on this blog. I’ll be trying pb cups next. :)

    1. In this sense, roasted peppers or fresh, either will work because they’re blended up and then dehydrated for hours so either are fine – and glad you had such amazing results! Thanks for stopping back to LMK!

  2. Thanks a lot for this recipe! There really wasn’t any flaw! The flaw was me! Heh, I’m allergic to nuts (it’s hard being a raw vegan when you’re allergic to nuts!!!!) so I just replaced the cashew cheese with sunflower seed cheese and a bit of homemade hummus! (Well, actually, everything was homemade…) You’re daughter is adorable and I’m glad she’ll stay that way since you keep her healthy and active. I think children should start off as vegans from the start so they won’t make bad food decisions as they get older. Especially when they go off to school! The cafeteria food shouldn’t even be allowed to be called food! Try feeding her lunch from home. THANKS FOR THE RECIPE!!! <3

  3. Thanks! I just tried this kale chip recipe out and am dehydrating it in the bedroom right now. Buying kale chips is too expensive. as much as my 2.5 year old likes them, I need to make them on my own! I’m also looking to make my own seaweed chips out of nori. I like the brand Seasnax, but it’s too expensive and too much packaging. Do you have any suggestions for that? Just wondering if you have thought about making your own Nori sheet snacks.

    Breeze Harper

    1. I don’t really care for nori that much so hadn’t thought of making any seaweed snacks. Glad you are enjoying the kale chips, and your son is, too! :)