Raw Vegan Pasta-n-Pesto & Peanut Sauce-Recipes


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What’s shaking in your world on the weekend?  Have you had a productive day?  By productive I mean, nourishing your body, mind, and soul.  Hopefully you’ve gotten to lazily read the paper or some blogs while drinking coffee or tea, or maybe you got in a lovely workout.  Whatever it is, I hope you’ve had a chance to recharge your batteries and be “productive” in the way that best works for you!

Thanks for all the praise from yesterday’s Vegan (almost Raw) Girl Scout Samoas Cookie remake that I did.  They were really fun to make and I am pleased with how closely they resemble the real Samoas! If anyone tries them, please fill me in!  I know a couple of you hotties wrote to me saying you were going to make them, so let me know how it goes!

Vegan Almost Raw Girl Scout Samoa Cookie up close on platter

And I also posted the Raw Vegan 5-minute Donut Holes if you’ve got 5 mins to spare and are feeling munchy, these are for you.

 Raw Vegan 5 Minute Donut Holes on platter close up

I know that I’ve done sooo many desserts recently so I thought I’d switch it up and show you a dinner I made.

First, I spiralized 2 zukes.

Spiralized zucchini in clear container

Then, I combined:
About 15 basil leaves (loosely packed it would be 1/2 c, tightly packed it’d be 1/8 c, I just used 1 package of organic fresh basil, de-stemmed)
About the same amount of spinach, about 1/2 c very loosely packed
Juice of 1/2 lemon (careful if you don’t like things lemma-licious, go easy)
1/4 c raw walnuts
Cracked black pepper

Pack of basil, spinach, olive oil, lemon and walnuts on countertop

Then I mixed this in my New Blendtec using the Pulse feature

Spinach, basil, lemon juice, olive oil and walnuts added to blender

And then added about 1 Tbsp EVOO and pulsed again

Overhead of pulsed pesto ingredients in blender

The Result

Blended Pesto ingredients in white bowl

I must thank the Fitnessista for her recipe inspiration.  In her recipe, she also added garlic and salt, but since I am a fan of neither, I omitted both.

While I was making this, Skylar was hot to trot to have a taste.  What 2.75 year old begs their mom for raw spinach, walnuts, and basil?  Why the offspring of a raw vegan mommy, I guess. 

Anyway at dinnertime, I tossed it together with zuke noods for Raw Vegan Pasta-n-Pesto.  

Homemade pest tossed with zucchini noodles

And added mixed greens, B.S., Cauli, Carrots, Cukes and Tomatoes to the Mix.  Very good.

Mixed greens with spiralized zucchini and vegetables tossed in pesto sauce

But remember how I had spiralized 2 zukes?  Well, I whipped up another batch of Peanut Sauce in the Blendtec.

Averie’s Peanut Sauce Today (I even tweak my own recipes so if you look back the last time or the time before that, they are all slightly diff.)
I used the last 1/3rd of the jar of PB (so a generous 1/2 c)
Juice of 1/2 an orange, about 1/3 c
3 Tbsp Maple Syrup
2 Tbsp Agave
3 Tbsp Sesame Oil
1/2 Tsp Ground Ginger
Cracky Blacky

Ingredients needed to make Peanut Sauce in blender


Blended up ingredients for peanut sauce

Tip of the Day: When in doubt making Peanut Sauce, there are 3 things you cannot skimp on: Peanut Butter, Sweetener (agave or maple syrup), & Sesame Oil.  If you are feeling like you’re almost there with your concoction, but not quite, use more Sesame Oil.  And then, you will probably need to add more sweetener, and trust me, it will all work out.  Beautifully.

 I’ve said it before to some of you privately, but don’t be afraid to use your sweeteners when cooking, raw or otherwise.  If you don’t, the food is not going to taste quite right or it will seem a little low cal, off, or just not quite there.  Some may disagree, but I have to say Katie, here’s your Hug-A-Carb plug via my little plug for sweeteners.

Anyway, then I poured it back into the jar for storage.  It’ll last 5-7 days in fridge I’m sure.  If it lasts that long before I slurp it all.

Peanut Sauce poured into a glass jar

And had a little boatload reserved to go over the other zuke noods.

Spiralized Zucchini Noodles in clear container


Peanut Sauce in oval shaped bowl on countertop

For dessert we munched the Vegan (almost Raw) Girl Scout Samoas knock-offs I made.  And yeah, they went down like butttahhhh.  

Three Vegan Almost Raw Girl Scout Samoas Cookies on red and white plate

And I also popped a couple Raw Vegan Donut Holes

Raw Vegan Donuts holes on white plate

VeganMofo in the house today.
Veganmofo III logo 

Yoga today is an Astavakrasana Variation

Woman doing Astavakrasana Variation yoga pose

Please go enter my Vegan Blondie Macaroon Give Away if you haven’t already!!!!!!!!!!  I’d love it if you could spread the word about it, too!

Vegan Blondie Macaroons on serving trays
 Close up of Vegan Blondie Macaroon on tray

You know I like to make my own sauces and dressings and really don’t use store-boughts for those things.  What do you make at home that you’re proud to shun storebought for? Or, what do you wish you could make at home so that you could give up store boughts?  Maybe if you tell me what you’re wishing for I can help you create a recipe….

Stay tuned for A Desserts Week Recap….

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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  1. wohoo look at that loot. I have been interested in Lucama powder for awhile, so I will be anxiously awaiting your usage and thoughts on what it does for the body