Things I Know & Rules Are Meant to Be Broken


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The older I get the less I realize I know.

Here are a few things that do I know:

1. For as Practical as I am, some rules are meant to be broken.

Certain food rules, dietary rules, life rules, exercise rules, rules about your job, relationship, family, where you live, or whatever else, are not always set in stone.  Cut loose, live your life, and break some rules every now and then.

Sometimes rules help us and are there for a reason.  Rules like stopping at red traffic signals are not meant to be broken.  I get that.

However, many times we impose rules on ourselves that are silly, meaningless, a burden, and serve only to box us in and prevent us from living life more fully, or more in a manner in which we’d prefer.  Everything from how much time we spend exercising to living where you choose to live.  Re-evaulate what you want out of life and if any of your own “rules” are standing in your way.

Life is a series of choices.  Think about what you want out of it.  Think about what’s important to you, what’s practical for your situation and circumstances, and then act accordingly.

So go ahead, break some rules.  Especially the ones you have placed on yourself that may be limiting you in some capacity.

Gina’s Manifesto was a nice example of her “rules” and spin on living a happy life.

2. This mascara never lets me down

Pink and green mascara

And I have quite a stash of MAC Makeup.  And always go back to the Maybelline.

Pull up container full of makeup

3. Eat foods as close to their natural state, as much as possible.Green salad with mixed vegetables

However, don’t stress out if you can’t because that would be a waste of precious energy and internal resources.

Just choose more wisely next time, which is your next meal.  Which is probably in a few hours, or less.  That’s the beauty of eating.  We have a new opportunity to make better choices that are more in line with our personal or health goals, every few hours.  Gotta love that.

I like what Heather said here, “Eat the foods we’ve eaten for thousands of years in their natural form.”  I have called this Caveman eating.  They didn’t have processed foods or fake foods.

They also didn’t have Chocolate Covered Oreo Balls.  Life is a balancing act.  Enjoy it.

Chocolate Covered Oreo Balls

4. I would rather be laying on the beach than working

Beach in Aruba with people and boats in water

5. I wish someone would make me some No-Bake Peanut Butter Cookie Dough ballsLet them do the dishes, not me. Then again, you can make these in a bowl with just a spoon and no fancy appliances.  I have been making these for a year and loving every cookie doughy bite.

No-Bake Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Balls

Close up of No-Bake Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Ball

6. I know that I love WordPress and am so happy I made the move and encourage all bloggers who are on Blogger, to move!  As an aside, is there any interest in a post about migrating to WP from Blogger and the work and the benefits involved?

7. I know I love Skylar more than I ever thought was possible.

Young girl standing with arms crossed smiling

And I’ll stop at Lucky Number 7.

From my earlier post with the Southwestern Salsa & Cheezy Baked Beans and Vegetables, thanks for letting me know you liked that recipe.

Southwestern Salsa & Cheezy Baked Beans and Vegetables

And for telling me you are huge salsa fans and how you like to get your salsa on!  With your food, that is.

One last thing I know…

I would like to have a GF Peanut Butter Marshmallow Bar with Vegan Chocolate Frosting

And they’re no-bake.  And they have butterscotch chips.  I know Heather and Tina are fans of butterscotch chips from their recent posts.

One cut GF Peanut Butter Marshmallow Bar with Vegan Chocolate Frosting
Hand holding one bar


1. Best Thing You’ve Ate or Done over the weekend?

I spent time with Skylar, and I made a great 20 minute dinner recipe.  I will post about it later in the week.

2. Are you going to watch the Superbowl?  Or the commercials?


3. What things do you know?

I can’t wait to read these comments!

P.S. If you’re just catching up on weekend posts, here were mine since Friday night:

About the Author

Welcome to AverieCooks! Here you’ll find fast and easy recipes that taste amazing and are geared for real life. Nothing fussy or complicated, just awesome tasting dishes everyone loves!

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.


  1. I know that I will be making that cheezy bean and veggie dish very soon because it looks absolutely delicious! I also know that I would just about anything to be laying on that beach right about now. I am so ready for Summer!

  2. Just wanted to let you know I just found your blog last night and love it! I spent all night reading past posts, and made your Oatmeal Banana Cake in the microwave this morning with a smear of PB, so good! Your blog is def being added to the list of blogs I read everyday!

    1. Oh that is soooo sweet that you found me, read old posts, and make something already! Glad you’re going to be sticking around :)

  3. I didn’t know you’re using WordPress now. How did I miss that point?
    I loved this entire post. And, I have to tell you, I’ve always rebelled against the Maybelline Great Lash mascara because I don’t like it (no matter how many #1 mascara awards it wins), BUT I’ve never tried the Maybelline Great Lash BIG mascara. I’m adding it to my shopping list for next week!

    1. omg girl that entire fiasco of my links not working, the major hair tear that i was going thru with my blog about 10-14 days ago…yes that was b/c of my migration!!

      The only way my blog looks the way it does now is b/c i am a self hosted WP site. This is not blogger anymore..haha!

      Worth it but migrating from Blogger to WP is not without some glitches. I just had way more than most :)

      And yes get the mascara!

  4. I used to LOVE Great Lash! For some reason it stopped working as well for me:(

    Awe, Skylah is just adorable! And agreed, everything as close to its natural state as possible. That’s the way Mother Nature intended, right?

    Slash I am most DEFINITELY not watching the super bowl, but I am watching the commercials on hulu:)

    Most delicious things I’ve eaten this weekend = Raw Chocolate Mousse and Chocolate Cookie Dough Protein Pancakes. Hands down!

  5. Hi Averie! Just wanted to “officially” introduce myself. I’ve been “lurking” :D around on your blog for awhile now, but I always see your comments on other blogs I read! I just want to say that your blog is great and I look foward to new posts everyday! You give so many great ideas (…even if it kills me sometimes! I have a terrific sweet tooth, ha!) and I love your positive outlook on life! Keep at it!

    And the rules thing….thanks. I needed to hear (read) that today. I try to eat really healthy and natural as possible but my sweet tooth is sometimes like a thorn in my side and I fall to it just about everyday. I need to give myself a little break and take baby steps.

    1. thanks for de-lurking, Leslie! And for saying hi and the nice praise for my blog and me :)

  6. Love your makeup stash! Yes watching the superbowl- but only for the social, hang out with friends reason. Happy Sunday

  7. I’d rather be on the beach too!!! i’m such a beach bum!! :) (i grew up next to the beach in the Philippines!) it’s 70 degrees here in the bay today and just makes me wanna be at the beach…

    Yes, i’ll be doing the whole superbowl thang with the fam. Obvs i’m more excited to have my whole family together than watch the game.

    Best thing I ate so far: pancake with cinnamony mashed bananas and organic maple syrup!

    Happy Sunday!!

  8. really like this post! You are totally right about rules…as always :)
    I’m “watching” the SuperBowl aka socializing and eating yummy food while others watch. And, I’m watching the Puppy Bowl which is way better.

  9. thing was moving all of our large stuff out of storage into the new townhome yesterday!
    2. i have to watch the superbowl with nate and my bro. i’m in the steel city, hope the win so people won’t be depressed lol. i could care less about football!
    3. i know that life is too short to live paralyzed by our own fears/anxieties!

  10. I know that, everything I think I know today, may be proved wrong tomorrow. And that’s okay. I know that if I take my life too seriously my brain will explode. I know that no matter how many times I lint roller my clothes, I will never get all the cat hair off – and yet I still insist on wearing black clothes.
    Highlight of my weekend was my grocery delivery last night. Ding dong! Here’s two boxes packed full of kale and collards and cukes and avocados and citrus and apples and all your other favorite foods! Best thing. Ever.

      1. glad the grocery shopping panned out! and the cat hair. it never ever goes away! :)

  11. I love this list of things! I totally love that mascara too! My favourite one!!

    I know that this week I WILL make your peanut butter cookie dough balls, and I KNOW that I will love them! :D